- And the Fandom Rejoiced: Subverted. Yes, the fandom did rejoice upon hearing Peter and MJ not only talking at last, but talking about the events of OMD. The premise was promising... until Mary-Jane said the infamous page quote.
- Author's Saving Throw: Quesada finally answers all the fans' unanswered questions about One More Day. Results definitely weren't satisfactory.
- Bile Fascination - Played with, as you don't initially read it because it's bad, but then Quesada's writing shows up pretty quickly.
- Character Derailment: Good lord, poor Mary Jane.
- Broken Base: Just as the fandom was finally getting over One More Day this story reopened old wounds.
- Family-Unfriendly Aesop: The infamous page quote.
- Fridge Logic: If the story changed almost nothing and Peter still exposed his identity to the world...what? Wasn't there even a Brand New Day story where not even Norman Osborn or Venom even knew who he was, despite knowing his identity even before he told the world?
- Kick Them While They Are Down: Quesada to the readers.
- Never Live It Down: perhaps intentionally, since MJ's page quote is basically begging for this to happen (and giving how much it got referenced in this page already... it seems the quote fullfilled its purpose), but the fandom will only remember this "as a memorable quote by the Quesada-verse Mary-Jane Watson".
- Running the Asylum