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Please note: The word 'trope' and the usage and reference to tropes existed long before this wiki was ever conceived. For the sake of clarity, let's only include actual mentions or links to the wiki itself. |
- The good people at Arcadia Commentaries have made references to this site quite a few times.
- Dan Harmon, creator of Community admits to being a regular reader. Probably helps explain Abed. The literal Brick Joke from 304 that landed in 319 seemed to be a shout out to TV Tropes.
- Gillian Jacobs too, if this post on Reddit is any indication.
- Several TGWTG contributors:
- Doug and Rob Walker, apparently. The Nostalgia Critic has referenced Fan Dumb, Title Drop, and Nightmare Fuel, and in their commentary for IT, Rob mentions the site by name and calls out Stephen King for overusing Magic Negro.
- Linkara admits to reading TV Tropes and has made references to the site in his videos.
Oh My God! TV Tropes used one of my quotes! |
- The Nostalgia Chick made an entire video on "The Smurfette Principle" and referenced the wiki by name when describing a character as The Woobie.
- In her commentary for the Dark Nella Saga, she outright states that she does "read TV Tropes, quite extensively."
- She was thrilled when Big Lipped Alligator Moment, a term she coined for the Fern Gully review, became a page here.
- Less than six hours after the creation of the Disney's Anne Frank page, she tweeted "I AM EDITING THE SHIT OUT OF THIS".
- Nella and Elisa, her co-writers and supporting cast, were interviewed by TGWTG podcaster Random Odds. He admitted that he'd tried out TV Tropes but couldn't understand it, and was mocked by his guests and his girlfriend for it. (Discussing the Stuffed Into the Fridge trope, Elisa says that you have get the trope definitions right "or the tropers will get you".)
- Also, Film Brain.
- The Nostalgia Chick made an entire video on "The Smurfette Principle" and referenced the wiki by name when describing a character as The Woobie.
I'm a Slave to PR, at least according to TV Tropes. |
- He also reads (or has read) the Fetish Fuel Wiki, according to his Twitter.
- Spoony seems to read through here sometimes if his Twitter is anything to go by.
- JesuOtaku and Professor Otaku both reference the living hell out of TV Tropes, and the others of the Desu Des Brigade likely aren't far behind.
- That's nothing: Y Ruler of Time used What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic extensively in his Lets Bible review with text admitting he went on the site often. He's reading this right now. <_<
- Todd in the Shadows references this site often on his twitter. And, yes, that includes the Fetish Fuel page.
- Oancitizen references TV Tropes and links to it on Twitter and Formspring.
- Nash has dropped a few trope titles such as Nightmare Fuel.
- Pushing Up Roses has said that she's addicted to the site.
- Oancitizen admits he researches for films to review on this site.
- Ed Power, creator of the newspaper comic My Cage admits to loving TV Tropes and thanked fans for giving the strip a page here.
- Notch, the maker of Minecraft has been known to read the tropes.
- Chuck Sonnenberg, also known as SF Debris, has frequently cited TV Tropes in his videos (once referring to Unfortunate Implications when an episode of Voyager featured a black man and an Asian man being kept from fighting only by the efforts of a white woman, and later indirectly referring to the now-deleted trope The Okona after reviewing "The Outrageous Okona"). Upon reviewing the VOY episode "Life Line", he gave the episode a score of 10, and noted "Alert TV Tropes!", as it was prominently noted on his page that he hadn't yet given any episode of Voyager that score, despite giving TNG, DS9, and even Enterprise the same courtesy.
- The people behind Irregular Webcomic and Darths and Droids often reference this wiki. David Morgan-Mar is a registered contributor who sometimes pops up in the forums.
- Abridged Series creator Hbi2k has made several Shout Outs to TV Tropes starting with Gantz Abridged. His latest series, Vision of Escaflowne Abridged has basically all the characters Genre Savvy to a certain extent.
- Konata Productions uses a couple of TV Tropes references in Evangelion Abridged, mainly through Rei's lampshadings.
- Moviebob recently write an article heavily referencing TV Tropes. He even linked to his own page.
- The author of Cwen's Quest has added tropes to his comic more than once to better illustrate example of tropes his comics was listed on but didn't fit as well. One of the bonus stories even covers the creation of a literal Planet of Hats.
- Critical Dave often refers to tropes and links to the site.
- Charles Bhepin, author of Shinji and Warhammer 40 K, occasionally includes references to TV Tropes in his work. Some are subtle, but he's not above having a character come right out and say "You Fail Biology Forever" when appropriate. Outside of the story, he acknowledged TV Tropes as a source of inspiration and an aid for writing his story more believably.
- Xkcd once did a Shout-Out, which makes sense considering how geeky the webcomic is anyway. The Colbert Bump-style traffic spike actually tanked the TV Tropes servers for a few days.
- Phil Foglio linked to TV Tropes (with a warning to new readers that Tropes Will Ruin Your Life)
- Daniel Remar has actually showed up on the Iji and Hero Core threads on the TV Tropes fora to answer questions.
- Stuart Slade, author of The Salvation War and The Big One goes so far as to reference tropes by name in the middle of a story.
- Diane Duane has commented here a few times. Squeegasms ensued.
- Raocow has referenced this site in his Lets Plays and has participated in a few discussions. On a smaller note, Slowbeef of Retsupurae popped by to answer some questions about how the Something Awful LP threads are occasionally blocked off to non-subscribers, and both him and Diabetus have mentioned the site in passing a few times.
- On the subject of Lets Plays, Proton Jon is also a confirmed troper.
- As are numerous posters on the free Let's Play Forum, such as NotPigeon and Kadorhal.
- On the subject of Lets Plays, Proton Jon is also a confirmed troper.
- Jenny Romanchuk, author of The Zombie Hunters, found her comic's TV Tropes page and promptly fangirl'd out on Facebook.
- Zaratustra, the guy who made Eversion, is a contributor here.
- And so is Earth Scorpion.
- Terry Tao, one of the greatest mathematicians alive, links here from his blog.
- He also co-created the rules of Cripple Mr Onion.
- David Gonterman. No, for reals. Turns out he's a decent guy if you don't go out of the way to push his buttons.
- Dan Shive might be one as well. he has certainly made some references in his comic.
- Durandall, creator of Kyon: Big Damn Hero, is unsurprisingly a troper. Well, it IS a TV Tropes crossover...
- One of the producers of Unnatural History uses the forums here.
- The creator, Mike Werb does too.
- At least one member of the dev team of The Nameless Mod is a troper, since the work page for its parent game Deus Ex can be found on a datapad in the game.
- Phineas and Ferb creators Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh have confirmed that yes, they do read TV Tropes. We just don't know how much.
- They do reference it, though. In Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension, there is a song called "Everything's Better With Perry".
- In the same movie, Doofinshmirtz refers to his eviler counterpart as "Mr. Eviler Than Thou" (in those exact words).
- And now Swampy has retweed a tweet from the Tv Tropes twitter, thus cofirming this.
- They do reference it, though. In Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension, there is a song called "Everything's Better With Perry".
- The most prolific author of ~Darwin's Soldiers~ Expanded Universe stories, LettuceBacon&Tomato is an avid troper.
- As is the creator of the series, "Serris".
- Eastwood and Silversword of Exterminatus Now are both registered Tropers.
- Jim Butcher has mentioned TV Tropes on his Twitter, stating that he's tried to read through the pages for The Dresden Files but does not have enough time.
- In his review of the Nissan Juke on The Truth About Cars, Edward Niedermeyer linked to Eldritch Abomination, to suggest who people thought may have designed the car (or at least the Love It or Hate It front end).
- Howard Taylor, creator of Schlock Mercenary, is at least familiar enough to drop links in his blog comments
- Alicorn, who writes Luminosity, requested that her reader army add tropes to the page for Luminosity and give proper links back to it. As her Christmas present.
- Tab Kimpton, the author of Khaos Komix, has confirmed that he visits this site by linking to a trope in the webcomic's "about" page. (With a pot hole, in fact!)
- Mark, of Mark Reads Harry Potter, is almost certainly One of Us
- John Kovalic, cartoonist, game creator, and author of Dork Tower, has cited Tropes Will Ruin Your Life, most notably here.
- Alex Dudley, the creator of The Cartoon Chronicles of Conroy Cat, linked to us here.
- Jick, creator of Kingdom of Loathing, added an adventure referencing TVTropes as part of the seasonal 2010 Crimbo extra content.
- Trask Nari according to this and maybe this (at least according to the title).
- The author of Spinnerette is almost certainly a troper, since the change to Comicpress that invalidated all old links was accompanied by advice that this wiki of ours could "suck on that", and a security guard who managed a pretty impressive showing was granted a jacket marked "CMOA" in his next appearance.
- Bryan Lee O'Malley has explicitly mentioned TV Tropes in his twitter feed at least once.
- In the Marble Hornets DVD commentary, Tim makes a reference to Dawson Casting.
- In the Summer Mapping Initiative contest run by Valve for Portal 2, a hyperlink in the rules section leads right to Nintendo Hard on the wiki. Link here.
- Richard Cobbett, a writer for PC Gamer has, in his review of I.M. Meen linked to Getting Crap Past the Radar and Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant.
- UK synthpop band Spray have songs called "Everything's Better With Muppets" and "I Always Wanted To Say 'I Always Wanted to Say That'". The second one could be a coincidence, but it's about a Rule-Abiding Rebel, and is pretty trope heavy.
- Magic: The Gathering:
- An article on the official Magic: The Gathering website on the history of the "Hill Giant" creature archetype (3/3 for 3C) described the original Hill Giant as the "Trope Namer".
- Mark "Maro" Rosewater, the Head Designer of Magic, has gone on record, in a post on Tales From the Pit, as a TV Tropes fan. Complete with a link to that very article.
- Duke, author of Ansem Retort, is at least familiar enough to recognise our tendency to assume anyone and everyone is a Time Lord.
- Nitro Game Injection loves TV Tropes.
- No Black Plume--both Curly and Aubrey are huge nerds, and at least Curly is known to be a frequenter of TV Tropes.
- Rick Griffin, of Housepets, has on occasion mentioned tropes by name, and at one time made an understandably brief (he does have other things to do, after all) appearance in the TV Tropes forum thread discussing his strip.
- Caroline Lawrence is the author of The Roman Mysteries and The Western Mysteries. She has linked the TV Tropes pages for her works on her Facebook and Twitter accounts. She also contributes to a blog called The History Girls and wrote an article about cross-dressing categories on TV Tropes. Linked here.
- The Gaming Pixie often throws out trope names (including some less than common ones) by the handful while doing her reviews.
- Adam Cowie, the creator of Erikas New Perfume and Chrissy And Minerva, knows all about TV Tropes and has to refrain from editing her page.
- Popular Youtuber Peanut3423 has referenced TV Tropes multiple times in his countdowns. One notable example of this is when he referred to Rundas as the series's Ensemble Darkhorse.
- This article from Cracked.com is loaded with references to TV Tropes.
- Cracked usually breaks out at least one trope reference once a week.
- Feminist Frequency has a "Tropes vs. Women" series that uses a lot of TV Tropes terminology.
- In an episode of The Game Station podcast, Total Biscuit, the Cynical Brit himself, admitted to reading tvtropes (to the point where he uses Fan Dumb to explain his dislike of the term fan in one of his mailboxes, preferring "viewers" over "fans" because of the possibility of Fan Dumb).
- Sethisto, webmaster of popular My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic fansite Equestria Daily might be one. As proof of my claim, EXHIBIT A! [1]
- Fletcher of Panthera fame has been confirmed by Word of God to be a Troper after some of the forum-goers debated on that, as a thank-you to all the people who worked on their Trope-page. D.Z., the writer, has been lurking this wiki since the page got up.
- cuttingmoon57 is a fan of TV Tropes and was happy to learn that The Tainted Grimoire got it's own trope page.
- NeoArtimus, creator of Turnabout Storm, was very surprised upon learning that her work recieved an article on the site. She's said that she likes checking out the Wild Mass Guessing section since she likes the fan speculation.
- CGP Grey certainly seems to be one of us. In his 200,000 subscribers video he had the drawing of himself "researching" on a trope page. (0:52-0:55 of the video, for those curious)
- A Shortpacked strip had Robin use the term "Crowning Moment of Awesome".
Subversions and Aversions[]
- Andrew Hussie of MS Paint Adventures fame is an aversion. He's well aware of TV Tropes and was speculated for a while to read the WMG threads but came outright and said that he dislikes TV Tropes.
- He has said something along these lines: while he likes the idea of TV Tropes, that of describing and finding joy in all forms of media, he particularly dislikes that All the Tropes Will Ruin Your Vocabulary and tropers often stick with Square Peg, Round Trope, which he feels degenerates the idea into a Techno Babble laden mess.
- Tom Siddell, creator of Gunnerkrigg Court, is likewise not fond of TV Tropes, for pretty much the same reasons as Andrew Hussie above. He hasn't exactly been coy with his dislike either.
- Rich Burlew, creator of The Order of the Stick, is a subversion. He has clearly stated that he is not a contributor nor a frequent reader of the site. Many tropers have mistaken him as One of Us however because of the general tone of the strip and accidentally seeming to make references to tropes like Lampshade Hanging.
- Jeph Jacques, creator of Questionable Content has disparaged TV Tropes several times. For example, he once referred to the QC TV Tropes page as "every single idiotic comment from [his] forums distilled into one HTML document".