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 Please note: The word 'trope' and the usage and reference to tropes existed long before this wiki was ever conceived. For the sake of clarity, let's only include actual mentions or links to the wiki itself.


  Oh My God! TV Tropes used one of my quotes!

    • The Nostalgia Chick made an entire video on "The Smurfette Principle" and referenced the wiki by name when describing a character as The Woobie.
      • In her commentary for the Dark Nella Saga, she outright states that she does "read TV Tropes, quite extensively."
      • She was thrilled when Big Lipped Alligator Moment, a term she coined for the Fern Gully review, became a page here.
      • Less than six hours after the creation of the Disney's Anne Frank page, she tweeted "I AM EDITING THE SHIT OUT OF THIS".
      • Nella and Elisa, her co-writers and supporting cast, were interviewed by TGWTG podcaster Random Odds. He admitted that he'd tried out TV Tropes but couldn't understand it, and was mocked by his guests and his girlfriend for it. (Discussing the Stuffed Into the Fridge trope, Elisa says that you have get the trope definitions right "or the tropers will get you".)
    • Also, Film Brain.

 I'm a Slave to PR, at least according to TV Tropes.


Subversions and Aversions[]

  • Andrew Hussie of MS Paint Adventures fame is an aversion. He's well aware of TV Tropes and was speculated for a while to read the WMG threads but came outright and said that he dislikes TV Tropes.
  • Tom Siddell, creator of Gunnerkrigg Court, is likewise not fond of TV Tropes, for pretty much the same reasons as Andrew Hussie above. He hasn't exactly been coy with his dislike either.
  • Rich Burlew, creator of The Order of the Stick, is a subversion. He has clearly stated that he is not a contributor nor a frequent reader of the site. Many tropers have mistaken him as One of Us however because of the general tone of the strip and accidentally seeming to make references to tropes like Lampshade Hanging.
  • Jeph Jacques, creator of Questionable Content has disparaged TV Tropes several times. For example, he once referred to the QC TV Tropes page as "every single idiotic comment from [his] forums distilled into one HTML document".
  1. If you read the fanfic post carefully, you'll see that it was posted by Seth and it addresses Twilight as being Adorkable.