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  • Boog asks Elliot to sing 'Teddy Bear's Picnic' to help him sleep out in the open. Elliot doesn't know the words.

 Elliot: [off-key] Once there was a magical elf who lived in a rainbow tree./He lived downstairs from a flatulent dwarf who was constantly having to pee./One day, the elf could take no more,/So he went to bang on the rude dwarf's door,/And what do you know? They suddenly both were maaaaarried!

    • Even better is that he pantomimes the whole thing. Including the "pee" stanza.
  • Boog 'drunk' in the back of the van. "If you go down to the woods today, there's... gonna be some fries!"
    • Also a little later when Beth looks at him and he waves and smiles before abruptly vomiting all over the garage window.
  • Rodger the cat from Open Season 2 and 3. "Oh Stanley, its been AGES!"
  • People constantly calling Boog a 1200 pound grizzly. Hilarity Ensues
  • The 'Swept Away' scene.
    • Ian turns mid-leap to see the water coming and just Screams Like a Little Girl. It wouldn't make the already hilarious scene less awesome if he didn't, but he does and somehow that makes him just a tiny bit more sympathetic.