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"Entering Inner Space"
The omnipresent AI

So, this game is about a realm known as "Inner Space". Right?

Well, not really. It's actually about a ton of Cool Starships entering Cyberspace to collect icons in your computer. You, however, are the one who is actually fighting for a special reason; defeat the Inner Demon.

This game was released as a PC game, and is actually pretty open source, as far as ships and other game assets go. You can create your own ships using the Ship Factory. Any new installation you make to your computer adds more levels to the game. You can even rename the nine teams (one, of which, is not playable) to the names of your choice.

Anywho. On to the trope examples!

Tropes used in Operation: Inner Space include:
  1. The Enforcers are the exceptions that prove this rule.
  2. e.g. the basic laser