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"Entering Inner Space"
—The omnipresent AI
So, this game is about a realm known as "Inner Space". Right?
Well, not really. It's actually about a ton of Cool Starships entering Cyberspace to collect icons in your computer. You, however, are the one who is actually fighting for a special reason; defeat the Inner Demon.
This game was released as a PC game, and is actually pretty open source, as far as ships and other game assets go. You can create your own ships using the Ship Factory. Any new installation you make to your computer adds more levels to the game. You can even rename the nine teams (one, of which, is not playable) to the names of your choice.
Anywho. On to the trope examples!
Tropes used in Operation: Inner Space include:
- Aborted Arc: Word of God once said there was going to be a sequel. It never saw the light of day.
- Abnormal Ammo: You can launch beer bottles, donuts, snowballs, batteries and lightning, among a ton of other things.
- Animal Motifs: Makes up the majority of the Fuzzy Ones team and about half of the Predators team. There are bits and pieces of this trope in the other teams, too[1].
- Butt Monkey: The Enforcers. Any lawbreaker will most definitely shoot back at them, and it's hilarious when their strongest ships, which are specially armed for taking down persistent criminals, lose spectacularly against weaker ships.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: The Pirates do this against other teams, on occasion.
- Disc One Final Boss: An Evil Twin of you. Destroy him, you move straight into the True Final Boss after using one of the weapons you get from the Recurring Boss, called "Enlightenment". You use another of those weapons to start this battle, however, the game is generous enough to tell you which one.
- Eldritch Abomination: The Inner Demon.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Inverted and played straight; A ship spins when it takes a hit, a short turn with a soft hit[2], or an all out spin with a powerful hit. The inversion comes into play when you are on the receiving end of such attacks.
- Fragile Speedster: Most of the Speed Demons team are this, with some here and there in the other teams. But none of the others have it like the Speed Demons.
- Guide Dang It: Yeah, just try figuring out how to fight the Recurring Boss correctly. Without looking on the Internet. It's guaranteed to take longer otherwise.
- Glass Cannon: The Speed Demons team has a few of these among their ranks.
- Lawful Good:Invoked. The Knights team. They can often be seen aiding the Enforcers (with good reason to do so) and helping helpless ships in general. It helps that the in-game description of this team matches what some would consider being Lawful Good.
- Lightning Bruiser: Any ship armed with Fireballs or Lightning that has good armor. Also, your own ship can become this with some upgrades.
- Mega Manning: Done through "Resource Packs" collected from dead ships. It's against the law, though, so if an Enforcer is in the area, you can either fight the cops and possibly win, or turn yourself in and possibly lose some valuable tech, along with paying a fine.
- Operation: Blank
- Recurring Boss: The Inner Demon. You have to fight him at least 4 times throughout the game before going to Demon's Gate. Each time, you have to feed a dragon enough blaster shots to get a special weapon, which gets harder to do, each time.
- Rock Beats Laser: The Inner Demon can launch rocks at you. As the only weapon you have is the basic laser blaster during the battles against him, the most you can do is move out of the way.
- Self-Imposed Challenge: Not only can a player do this, but the AI does it all the time! Anything from destroying all the floating objects, to shooting asteroids, to destroying you. Really, they do pretty much anything a player would.
- Space Pirate: The, um, Pirates. You can even play as one.
- Space Police: The Enforcers. Unfortunately for them, due to also being the butt monkeys of the game, Police Are Useless.
- True Final Boss: The Inner Demon. This time, you have to simply tap him. With your ship.
- Wide Open Sandbox: Once your ship enters the game's world, you're free to do as you please. That is, unless there are any Enforcers around. They try to keep you in line with the various laws of Inner Space. However, if you somehow find yourself too powerful for the Enforcers to stop you, you really can do whatever you want, including blowing up every Enforcer you see.
- With Friends Like These...: The Renegades will fight among themselves regularly. So will a few other teams, only much, much less often.
- ↑ The Enforcers are the exceptions that prove this rule.
- ↑ e.g. the basic laser