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  • Covered Up: While not exactly the case, Mikael tends to name songs and albums after obscure progressive rock and metal bands of the seventies. Who honestly remembers bands named Blackwater Park, Still Life, Master's Apprentices, or Heir Apparent?
    • Though the original is still far more well known, there's more than one person who is unaware that "Would?" was originally by Alice in Chains.
    • While it isn't a cover, anyone who has listened to Camel's "Never Let Go", can tell that "Benighted" uses many elements from that song. This isn't surprising, as Mikael cites Camel as a huge musical influence on him.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Mikael during this little speech.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: While many fans dispute on which songs deserve the title, it is unanimously agreed by all fans that the epic title track of the epic Blackwater Park album deserves it. "Bleak", from the same album, is also considered an example by most fans.
    • "Black Rose Immortal" off of Morningrise is a fan fave, most likely because you must be a true fan to make it through the song's ridiculous length.
    • Of course, there's also those who take Ghost Reveries or My Arms, Your Hearse as their most epic album (when it's not Blackwater Park). Hence songs like "Demon of the Fall" or "Ghost of Perdition" get a lot of love too.
  • Narm: The awkwardly quick acoustic passage followed by the even more awkward drum solo at about 8:45 in "To Bid You Farewell", otherwise a massive Tear Jerker.
  • Nightmare Fuel : The disturbing face appearing on Watershed's artwork. It is composed from pictures of the band's members.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • The closing track "Isolation Years", from Ghost Reveries.
    • "Hope Leaves", along with most of Damnation.
    • "Burden"
    • "Black Rose Immortal" after around 9:40 and excluding the Last-Note Nightmare
    • From the same album, "To Bid You Farewell"
    • And pretty much every other Surprisingly Gentle Song.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Many people had this reaction to Heritage.