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Kunio v01c01 cover inside1 2699

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Ore Wa Otoko Da Kunio Kun (roughly translated "I am a man! Kunio kun!) is a gag manga that dealt with the River City Ransom / Kunio Kun series. The manga was ran from 1991 to 1996, with 11 volumes illustrated by Kosaku Anabuko. This manga was awarded the Shogakukan Manga Award for Childrens manga in 1995.

The manga dealt with the life of Kunio, a lazy, but strong delinquent who has been challenged several times by other delinquents in crazy and nonsensical ways.

Tropes used in Ore wa Otoko Da Kunio Kun include:
  • Bully Hunter: Kunio is a delinquent, but is more than willing to help and protect those in need against bullies.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Several characters have their moments, but Kunio takes the cake.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Yamada in Chapter 3.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Kunio can be quite a nutcase, but when push comes to shove, he can kick ass with little effort at times.
  • Denser and Wackier- the manga is this compared to the games. As if the games aren't weird enough.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!!: In Chapter 1, Kunio does a piledriver on the soccer player who asked him tp help the soccer club histerically.
  • Groin Attack: Kunio did this to the First Dragon of the Dragon Twins (No, not Billy and Jimmy Lee) with the "Massage Special" first and then "Mach Stepping". Needless to say, the First Dragon enjoyed it and asked him to do his back.
  • Holding Hands: Spoofed. When the cops arrive in Chapter 3, Kunio and Yamada do this to avoid getting caught trying to start a fight. After the coast was clear, Yamada has realized that Kunio somehow forced nails into the palm of one of his hands, causing it to bleed.
  • Knight Templar: In Chapter 4, Toudou has formed an anti-delinquent brigade to rid the city of delinquents, especially Kunio (Not that he's a bad guy), and stop the violence. Too bad he decided to demolish concession stands at the New Year's Day Festival with a mallet as a last resort to get rid of Kunio once and for all.
  • Lethal Chef- After eating the soccer team's curry in one chapter, Kunio attempts to make some with various ingredients to prevent them from finding out it's all gone. Let's just say that Kunio's cooking skills are quite sickening for the team.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: The Double Dragon brothers are often referred to as the Snake Brothers, usually by Kunio.
  • Only Sane Man: Riki serves as this in the majority of the manga.
  • Rich Jerkass: Todou Mamoru.
  • Thundering Herd: In Chapter 9, after the rival team's defeat, Kunio is chased by the angry soccer club members after Hiroshi accidently asked him out loud if they forgot the curry incident.Cue Kunio's Oh Crap.
  • Villain Team-Up: In one chapter, Riki has assembled Godai, Gouda, Toudou, the Double Dragon Twins (No, not Billy and Jimmy Lee), and Yamada to eliminate Kunio so one of them could earn a shot of becoming the star of the manga. They're not villains as they are just antagonistic towards Kunio for different reasons.