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Fridge Horror[]

  • Original Life is a comic with Funny Animals, so there are a few breeds of dog hanging around, and one is a doberman. With sheared ears.
    • Extreme body-mods (bisected tongues spring to mind) are becoming increasingly popular among humans these days, it's possible it's just the dog equivalent. After all, in an early Kevin and Kell strip, Rudy was bugging his mother for a bite-notch in his ear ...
      • How often do you see 10-year-old children with extreme body mods? It's more likely Jay has never seen what a Doberman's ears naturally look like.
    • Also, consider the Muffins Arc. Besides one brief mention of the teachers not being happy with a student practicing vigilantism on bullies, there's no signs of any adult authority. The arc ends with a full-blown student riot, as a kid is attacked and his muffin stand is torn down. Apparently this is a school where teachers just ignore things like that.
  • Fisk just admitted he likes having kids because he can "warp" them. That's the actual word he used. What the hell, Jay?
    • Actually, considering the situation (i.e. Red obviously trying to seduce him and his knowing it), his comment could be viewed as sarcastic in nature, designed to unnerve Red so she would quit messing with him.
      • Except this is Jay Naylor speaking, a man known for his questionable-at-best moral compass.