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  • Complete Monster: The Queen of Pain may be the most horrific Satan figure in all of fiction. No matter the rationale, there is no way anyone should deserve that.
    • Some may beg to differ. This genius insists that he can create something 'worse'.
  • Hollywood Science: How hard Orion's Arm's "hard sci-fi" actually is is debatable. The project has many critics who attack it for unrealistic technological optimism, especially in fields like biology (the genetic code of complex organisms is extremely difficult to successfully re-engineer to the point where Artificial Humans may be more practical than enhancing real humans), and its implementation of transhumanism and "Singularity" (which has many skeptics and makes a lot of assumptions about the nature of intelligence and computers). The members of have produced some especially comprehensive and hostile criticisms.
    • Then again, these are the same guys who treat Star Wars as hard science fiction. While they may (and in fact, do) have valid points, it seems a bit unfair to hold Orion's Arm (and Star Trek among their other targets) to a higher standard.

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