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Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot - Orphée

Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld, by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

According to The Other Wiki, "Orpheus was a legendary figure in Greek mythology, chief among poets and musicians."

On All The Tropes, Orpheus could refer to:

Anime and Manga[]

  • Orpheus, a character in the anime film Saint Seiya: The Movie

Comic Books[]


  • The Orphic Trilogy, three French films by Jean Cocteau, including
    • Orpheus (film), or Orphée, 1950
    • Testament of Orpheus, or Le testament d'Orphée, 1960
  • Black Orpheus, a 1959 French film


  • The Lyre of Orpheus (novel), last of the Cornish Trilogy by Robertson Davies
  • Sonnets to Orpheus, German poetry written by Rainer Maria Rilke

Live-Action TV[]

Tabletop Games[]

  • Orpheus (role-playing game)


  • Orpheus Descending, a play by Tennessee Williams
  • Orpheus (ballet), George Balanchine's 1948 ballet
  • Orpheus in the Underworld, operetta by Jacques Offenbach
  • The Mask of Orpheus, Harrison Birtwistle's 1984 opera
  • All 70+ entries on Wikipedia's List of Orphean operas

Video Games[]

  • Orpheus, the main character's persona in the video game Persona 3

Western Animation[]