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File:Osman leaflet.png

Cannon Dancer (known as Osman in English) is an Arcade Platform Game released by Mitchell Corp. in 1996, and it's often called the Spiritual Successor of Capcom's first Strider game (which is reinforced by the fact they both were designed by the same guy). Controlling a Badass mercenary known as Kirin, the player goes through very colorful stages, kicking everything into gory death along the way. Kirin has an asortment of special skills, including a slide, Izuna Drop-esque throw and upgrades that allow him to generate energy copies of himself, which stand where they are generated and mimic his actions, making for some interesting tactics and strategies with them.

The game's plot is actually a bit Mind Screwy, albeit a good deal of it was actually Lost in Translation (including a slew of alternative dialogues for the bosses). Set in a dystopian future ruled by a single government, problems arise with the appearance of a terrorist sect known as "Slaver", which deifies one "God Without Form" by the same name. Director of Judicial Affairs Jack Layzon, tired of these guys, contracts the services of the main character to deal with them, but he's secretly only using Kirin to stir up trouble with them so he gets a legit reason to arrest the cultists. Once his job's done, Jack betrays Kirin and dumps him into a desert to die. Needless to say, Kirin survives and sets out on a quest to get Revenge on Layzon, though he'll have to go through all his troops, as well as his former allies who now want him dead. Things start getting really weird from that point onward...

The game's main characters are:

  • Kirin: The Hero, setting on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against his traitorous contractor. Kirin forms part of a mercenary unit known as Teki (Barbarian), whose members are said to hone their bodies to the point of considering themselves "weapons for hire". Kirin is billed as a top class fighter and expert of a secret martial arts style.
  • Jack Layzon: Director of Judicial Affairs and the Big Bad who sets the game into motion. Tired of the pesky cultists taking over his city, he uses Kirin to force them into conflict and justify their arrest, and then disposes of Kirin after the job's done. Doesn't do much else afterwards.
  • Tianon: One of the 4 members of Teki now against her former ally Kirin. She's a blonde pigtailed Kick Chick that can generate energy with her kicks. She tells Kirin she's been always wanting to fight him to the death, though there are also hints that she also has feelings for him.
  • Cannons: Second member of Teki, a tall man dressed in a black longcoat. He calls himself "Kirin's top student" and shows complete repulsion towards him, calling him an unrefined idiot who still fights bare-handed. On the other hand, his method of fighting involves teleporting around while a Transforming Mecha attacks from the background.
  • Wilf: The Ax Crazy third member of Teki, a green-armored white-haired guy who uses a metal hand claw. He's very open about his hatred of Kirin, while also wanting the other members of Teki dead so he can claim the title of the "Strongest Weapon".
  • Slaver: The mysterious goddess who appears midway through the game showing an odd interest in Kirin's massacres, as she "wants to see the world die." Things start getting really odd once Kirin's goal is achieved though...

The game's garnered a sort of cult following over the years, and is slowly crawling into Cult Classic territory.

Tropes used in Osman (video game) include: