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  • Fridge Brilliance: All the white blood cells are voiced by black actors.
  • Fridge Horror: Frank will die one day, and when he does the civilization inside him will be destroyed.
    • Also, everybody is controlled by a "mayor" and multiple other cells inside the head. Basically, nobody actually has any free will.
      • But we are controlled by multiple cells inside of our heads.
    • When you think about it, a sentient virus would pride themself on killing everything, so slowly but surely Thrax aims to try and kill every living thing on Earth.
      • In many ways, Thrax actually behaves much more like an engineered bioweapon than like a naturally occurring virus (see Art Major Biology entry). Which would mean that he was designed for killing, and that whoever created him (terrorists, the military, take your pick) has more samples stored away...
      • According to The Other Wiki, bacillus anthracis is a soil-borne bacteria that can be contracted via ingestion and causes death by invoking cold or flu-like symptoms, such as, say, a fever. Bacillus anthracis. Otherwise known as anthrax. What's even more disturbing? How anthrax was even exposed to the monkey cage at the zoo in the first placed, and how many cases of Thrax are now just waiting to happen...
        • Thrax doesn't actually cause anthrax, though. He causes an entirely fictional disease.
    • The way Thrax is hellbent on killing as many humans as possible, as quickly as possible, it could be a class 1 or 2 for the outside world if he escaped Frank.
    • When Thrax died in the beaker of alcohol, that's what happens to every germ on your body whenever you use hand sanitizer. Yikes.
    • Because of Aesop Amnesia, in Ozzy and Drix, Frank for some reason starts becoming unhealthy again, and both Ozzy and Drix are carried away by a mosquito to someone else...