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  • Accidental Innuendo: All over the place. Especially from Tita, which might not be so accidental.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Castlevania is dripping with it, but Kokoro is pretty cheerful and upbeat.
  • Anticlimax Boss: Compared to her previous forms, Dark Force's final form is quite easy to fight.
  • Broken Base: Many non-Japanese fans of Konami's previous Shoot Em Ups have a cold reception towards the series. The complaints usually aren't about the gameplay, but the amount of Gag Boobs, Fan Service, and Stripperific characters.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome:
    • The game has eight soundtracks to choose from. From original, orchestrated music to high-energy remixes of older Konami favorites, there's something for everyone.
    • The boss music deserves special mention, though.
    • Following tradition, the sequel has a total of eleven soundtracks to choose from, with many notable tracks that appeal to nearly every musical taste, from orchestra to techno to rock and roll. Nearly 30 musicians from all over the world did work on Otomedius Excellent's soundtrack.
  • Cult Classic: Getsu Fuuma Den was... obscure, and yet gets a prominant reference in Otomedius in the form of Gesshi Hanafuuma.
  • Ear Worm: Aircraft Carrier is in this game, too. Twice. And just like every other game this theme appears in, it gets in your brain and refuses to leave.
  • Evil Is Sexy:
    • Titi XIV
    • Meta Lium
    • Ruby and Cobalt
  • Excuse Plot: Yes, there is a plot. Yes, it can be interesting. But you don't need to know it to enjoy the premise gameplay.
  • Fandom Rivalry: Some Gradius fans seem to hate Otomedius for "What Konami did to Gradius". But ... it's not Gradius, any more than it is Parodius, Xexex, TwinBee, or ThunderCross... Most Otomedius fans, in contrast, are also fans of other Konami shooters and enjoy the numerous mythology gags and references.
  • Game Breaker:
    • Many of the D-Burst attacks can make very short work of most bosses.
    • Esmeralda's Pulse Laser is unintentionally, ludicrously overpowered. It ignores the damage caps obeyed by all other weapons in the game. Placing an Option inside a boss (easily done with Esmeralda's Whip options) and holding autofire will, essentially, cause the boss to die instantly.
    • In Gorgeous, Gravity Bullet (as used by Poini) was quite broken. In Excellent, it's even nastier.
  • Moe: Poini's said to be the lovable little sister of the entire squadron.
  • Tear Jerker:

  Tita: Spirit extinction confirmed... Good night, baby.
