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Out Zone is a 1990 action Arcade Game by Toaplan.

The plot is as follows: taking place in the year 2097, mankind is invaded by an alien race, and it is up to cyborg soldiers controlled by the player to destroy the invasion force.

Despite the simple plot, Out Zone is a fun and intense shooter made for the arcades.

A sequel Fixeight was developed in 1992.

Tropes used in Out Zone include:
  • Alien Invasion
  • Bottomless Pits: Guess what happens if you fall into them.
  • Continuing Is Painful: Dying resets you back to an earlier checkpoint with your weapons and upgrades gone. This only makes it much more painful. Somewhat averted if your have two players, as you respawn on the spot.
  • Cyborg: Your characters.
  • Epic Flail: The Super Ball Weapon. Holding down the fire button lets it circle around you, releasing it makes you shoot the ball forwards. This weapon is one of the best weapons in the game due to its high damage output, and its ability to pass through walls.
  • Excuse Plot: There's aliens, go and shoot them.
  • Fire-Breathing Weapon: The Super Burner. Arguably does more damage than the Super Ball, but has short range and cannot pass through walls.
  • The Goomba: Those regular soldiers. Unlike most games, the first one will easily kill you if your dodging is not up to par.
  • Humongous Mecha: Most of the bosses are these.
  • Laser Blade: The Final Boss has one on each arm.
  • Nintendo Hard: Oh BOY. Let's just say that the first regular mook starts out firing aimed shots at you, at a pretty rapid pace at that. Some parts of the later levels are almost akin to Bullet Hell. You know that a game is hard when The Goomba is a Demonic Spider.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: Your characters are these. Collecting a shield powerup (very rare) makes you a Two Hit Point Wonder.
  • Spread Shot: One of the regular weapons you could get. It cannot be aimed, however.
  • Stalked by the Bell: Your character has a fuel timer that constantly goes down. If it reaches zero, you die. The only way to replenish it is to collect "E" powerups.
  • Tank Goodness: The second boss.
  • Wolfpack Boss: The first boss, four red things that shoot aimed shots at you.