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  • Aisha is a goldmine of these.
    • Gene blasting Aisha with his caster after she's been bragging so much.
    • Suzuka scooting out of the way just a moment before Aisha does a Spit Take.
    • Aisha naked and teasing Gene, making him fall into boiling hot water.
    • Aisha getting thrown out by Gene and Jim for offering a measly job. Happens to Suzuka at the end of the episode.
    • Aisha's home cooking.
  • The entire episode where an assassin from the Anten Seven poses as a tourist in order to try and kill Gene. Watching the poor guy's efforts keep getting derailed by unfortunate coincidences really was quite entertaining.
  • When Gene wakes up and sees Melfina not sleeping, he goes down to comfort more than one way. Melfina fell asleep on Gene's shoulder, and as Gene's finger's slowly creep up Melfina's leg, Jim then comes and smacks Gene on the head with a frying pan. He then scolds Gene for being sleazy, AND THEN proceeds to cuddle with Melfina. This is made better when Melfina offered to sleep with Jim just a couple of episodes ago, and Jim was frantic to get away. Gene just got himself cock-blocked by an 11 year old.
  • When Gene first fights Suzuka, he makes her stumble by grabbing her sash. It comes off (Undoing her entire outfit in the process) and he proceeds to unabashedly sniff it, much to Suzuka's embarassment.