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Trope Overdosed is when a series uses many tropes. The opposite, when a trope applies to many different series, is Overdosed Tropes. If you want a real challenge, look for an article that doesn't use a single one of these tropes.
Many of these tropes are popular because they are used as a verbal shorthand (YMMV, Squick, Oh Crap, etc.), and others are popular because they're more ways of discussing works than they are part of the work themselves (Nightmare Fuel, moments of awesome and funny). In any event, the only requirement to be included on this page is that a trope is referenced by at least 2,500 other pages, as listed in the "related" page.
The numbers given here are for rough estimation purposes only, since the pages will inevitably have changed since the trope was added or updated. To see a live listing of all pages (not just tropes) with the highest links count, go to the Most Linked Pages page. (Just be aware that this is a processor-intensive page and may throw 503 or 504 errors when you try to view it.)
See Also Omnipresent Tropes, Tropes of Legend, Trope Overdosed. For tropes that attract a lot of potholes, see Pothole Magnet.
Contrast Needs More Tropes. (Amazingly enough, "Overdosed Tropes" and "Needs More Tropes" can overlap, especially when somebody creates a page by going through the list of tropes alphabetically or by some other system, adding all of the tropes that look right, but stopping partway through.)
- Big Bad (17,837 links)
- Shout-Out (14,752 links)
- Jerkass (11,213 links)
- Lampshade Hanging (10,880 links)
- Word of God (10,569 links)
- Complete Monster (10,510 links)
- Tear Jerker (9,446 links)
- Badass (9,388 links)
- Crowning Moment of Awesome (9,095 links)
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin (9,043 links)
- Deadpan Snarker (8,994 links)
- Running Gag (8,311 links)
- Nightmare Fuel (8,153 links)
- Memetic Mutation (7,964 links)
- Up to Eleven (7,743 links)
- Berserk Button (7,648 links)
- Meaningful Name (7,552 links)
- Crowning Moment of Funny (7,318 links)
- The Hero (7,273 links)
- Incredibly Lame Pun (7,150 links)
- Large Ham (6,975 links)
- Expy (6,972 links)
- Heel Face Turn (6,887 links)
- Action Girl (6,879 links)
- Butt Monkey (6,861 links)
- Cloudcuckoolander (6,835 links)
- Fridge Logic (6,794 links)
- Fridge Brilliance (6,753 links)
- Oh Crap (6,736 links)
- Heroic Sacrifice (6,717 links)
- Squick (6,651 links)
- Genre Savvy (6,583 links)
- The Dragon (6,581 links)
- Catch Phrase (6,531 links)
- Eldritch Abomination (6,104 links)
- Ho Yay (5,978 links)
- Ax Crazy (5,880 links)
- Magnificent Bastard (5,765 links)
- The Woobie (5,758 links)
- Take That (5,704 links)
- Captain Obvious (5,290 links)
- Moral Event Horizon (5,221 links)
- Mad Scientist (5,211 links)
- Heroic BSOD (5,150 links)
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold (5,098 links)
- Hilarity Ensues (5,084 links)
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming (5,072 links)
- It Got Worse (5,065 links)
- Sarcasm Mode (4,965 links)
- Too Dumb to Live (4,898 links)
- Fan Nickname (4,878 links)
- Character Development (4,800 links)
- Crowning Music of Awesome (4,762 links)
- Trope Namer (4,754 links)
- Justified Trope (4,752 links)
- Ensemble Darkhorse (4,716 links)
- Rule of Cool (4,646 links)
- All There in the Manual (4,621 links)
- Mind Screw (4,577 links)
- Darker and Edgier (4,567 links)
- Tsundere (4,538 links)
- Kick the Dog (4,493 links)
- The Lancer (4,464 links)
- Fan Service (4,463 links)
- Anti-Hero (4,446 links)
- Face Heel Turn (4,428 links)
- Curb Stomp Battle (4,413 links)
- Big Damn Heroes (4,399 links)
- What Could Have Been (4,262 links)
- Fridge Horror (4,228 links)
- Chekhov's Gun (4,212 links)
- It Makes Sense in Context (4,186 links)
- The Big Guy (4,169 links)
- The Movie (4,114 links)
- Unfortunate Implications (4,114 links)
- Hey, It's That Guy! (4,081 links)
- The Smart Guy (4,081 links)
- Subverted Trope (4,067 links)
- Manipulative Bastard (4,051 links)
- Played for Laughs (4,049 links)
- Executive Meddling (4,018 links)
- Humongous Mecha (3,997 links)
- Badass Normal (3,956 links)
- Took a Level in Badass (3,933 links)
- Only Sane Man (3,900 links)
- Well-Intentioned Extremist (3,892 links)
- Title Drop (3,882 links)
- Downer Ending (3,868 links)
- What the Hell, Hero? (3,859 links)
- Rule of Funny (3,834 links)
- Hey, It's That Voice! (3,814 links)
- The Chick (3,798 links)
- Crapsack World (3,776 links)
- Did Not Do the Research (3,750 links)
- Determinator (3,713 links)
- Foreshadowing (3,694 links)
- The Stoic (3,677 links)
- Blatant Lies (3,662 links)
- Getting Crap Past the Radar (3,655 links)
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero (3,651 links)
- Narm (3,640 links)
- Hilarious in Hindsight (3,632 links)
- Ear Worm (3,612 links)
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking (3,583 links)
- Body Horror (3,561 links)
- The Reveal (3,534 links)
- Beware the Nice Ones (3,511 links)
- Smug Snake (3,484 links)
- Break the Cutie (3,484 links)
- Driven to Suicide (3,418 links)
- Serious Business (3,400 links)
- The Ditz (3,369 links)
- Mood Whiplash (3,284 links)
- Five-Man Band (3,284 links)
- Knight Templar (3,273 links)
- Game Breaker (3,272 links)
- MacGuffin (3,269 links)
- Continuity Nod (3,264 links)
- The Chessmaster (3,217 links)
- Fantastic Racism (3,213 links)
- Even Evil Has Standards (3,198 links)
- Killed Off for Real (3,183 links)
- Crazy Awesome (3,181 links)
- Does This Remind You of Anything? (3,170 links)
- Ms. Fanservice (3,159 links)
- Blood Knight (3,145 links)
- Affably Evil (3,135 links)
- Genki Girl (3,123 links)
- Mooks (3,110 links)
- Les Yay (3,097 links)
- Karma Houdini (3,065 links)
- The Scrappy (3,065 links)
- Your Mileage May Vary (3,064 links)
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast (3,037 links)
- Mind Rape (3,034 links)
- Retcon (3,029 links)
- Stalker with a Crush (3,009 links)
- Anti-Villain (3,000 links)
- Noodle Incident (2,983 links)
- Nice Hat (2,951 links)
- Corrupt Corporate Executive (2,939 links)
- Damsel in Distress (2,939 links)
- Pet the Dog (2,936 links)
- Bittersweet Ending (2,916 links)
- Hot-Blooded (2,910 links)
- Precision F-Strike (2,910 links)
- Freudian Excuse (2,899 links)
- Foe Yay (2,898 links)
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge (2,880 links)
- For the Evulz (2,864 links)
- A God Am I (2,858 links)
- The Rival (2,838 links)
- Breaking the Fourth Wall (2,835 links)
- Not So Different (2,818 links)
- Parental Abandonment (2,802 links)
- Disproportionate Retribution (2,792 links)
- Refuge in Audacity (2,788 links)
- Obfuscating Stupidity (2,783 links)
- Evil Counterpart (2,772 links)
- Big Eater (2,771 links)
- Groin Attack (2,729 links)
- Batman Gambit (2,720 links)
- Call Back (2,720 links)
- And I Must Scream (2,719 links)
- Sealed Evil in a Can (2,715 links)
- Tempting Fate (2,707 links)
- The Mole (2,698 links)
- Eye Scream (2,688 links)
- One-Winged Angel (2,678 links)
- Show Within a Show (2,662 links)
- Loads and Loads of Characters (2,653 links)
- Kill It with Fire (2,646 links)
- The End of the World as We Know It (2,644 links)
- Brick Joke (2,638 links)
- Hoist by His Own Petard (2,612 links)
- Villain Protagonist (2,601 links)
- Fate Worse Than Death (2,599 links)
- Idiot Ball (2,590 links)
- Ship Tease (2,586 links)
- Put on a Bus (2,577 links)
- Alternate Universe (2,564 links)
- Villainous Breakdown (2,550 links)
- Back from the Dead (2,547 links)
- Playing with Fire (2,542 links)
- Punny Name (2,537 links)
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair (2,537 links)
- Evil Laugh (2,516 links)
- True Companions (2,513 links)
- Actor Allusion (2,508 links)
This list was most recently updated on April 15, 2020