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  • Beecher's first Hannibal Lecture to Schillinger at the end of season 1, where he threatens to mess up his parole by pulling him into a brawl. His sarcasm is gold.
  • O'Reily's time in the hole. Quick montage of the effect it's taking on his mentality, culminating in him turning into a raging madman. Then the guard comes in.

 Guard:Time's up.

O'Reily: (casually gets to his feet) Piece of cake.

  • "You have ten minutes to get your hand off my dick."
  • Father Mukada realising the confessor asking about the Eucharist (eating the body of Christ) is a notorious inmate who killed and ate his parents.
  • Vern Schillinger trying to swallow his racial pride to approach Adebisi about having Beecher whacked. After the two stare at each other in silent contempt, Schillinger realises even he can't sink that low.
  • Martin Querns. Every time he speaks.
  • Omar White, in a similar fashion. Mostly, he's either annoying, funny or both.
  • Shirley Bellinger calmly telling Warden Glynn that the guard leading her off to be executed has been "coming into my cell every night and fucking me."
  • Adebisi getting rejected by Shirley Bellinger because he's black. His reaction is priceless plus Pancamo teases him about it once.

 Adebisi: "Suck my dick now..."

  • The black death row inmate who punches through the cell wall on which his racist neighbor is painting a self-portrait and throttles him to death single-handed.
  • Omar White insisting on an apology from Tim McManus after he put the latter in hospital. Again.
  • Keane's wedding, where Adebisi had to stand in for his bride.
  • Adebisi on drugs, seeing the Narrator talking to him from his computer screen.
    • This scene during Adebisi's drug withdrawal is also awesome.
    • What about later on in that withdrawal. Alvah Case comes to interview him about the riot and he's standing there fondling himself. They open the window and he looks up and simply says 'You balls?' with a hopeful look. They turn around and shut the door without a word.
  • The scene with Hill accusing Beecher that he farted while they share the same pod.
  • Beecher: "Whatcha reading, Schillinger? Mein Kampf? I'll tell you how it ends. The Aryans get their ass kicked!"
  • Beecher and Schillinger singing This is the Last Duet during "Variety".
  • The discussions about Miss Sally, f.e. if puppets can be gay.
    • Whichever writer came up with Miss Sally is a genius.
  • The reporter interviewing Beecher and Keller about their relationship and both claiming "We sing in the choir together".
  • Every other sentence said by Alvin Yood.
  • Busmalis claiming that Cloutier cured His Sister of Leprosy.When Keller and Rebadow give Him a disbelieving look,He merely says "Pneumonia?"
  • Robson's dental surgery, though it later becomes Nightmare Fuel for Robson.

 Dr Faraj: "It's amazing. I mean we don't even know where this gum tissue came from. It could be a kike, a spic, maybe even a f*****."

Robson garbles "Not a f*****!"

Dr Faraj: "I mean you could be getting the beautiful gums of a big, black N*****."

Fade out on Robson's horrified expression.

    • Even funnier afterwards, in the cafeteria:

 Robson: "Just soup"

Poet: "Sure you don't want some chitterlings and gravy to go with that?"

O'Reily, Poet, and the kitchen staff laugh. Robson looks worried. O'Reily gets the attention of the whole hall.

O'Reiley: "Everyone listen up! Robson went to the dentist and got himself a nice pair of dirty ghetto gums!"

The hall erupts in laughter

Schillinger: "Shut up you goddamn n*****, just give him some soup!"

Poet: "Whoa, you gonna take that G? Man calling your brother a n***** and all."


 (O'Reily lost his hair because he had cancer)

Aryan: Hey, O'Reily, you trying to look like us?

Ryan: Yeah, I'm trying to be ugly.

  • Investigator Burrano asks Rebadow why he didn't tell Nino Schibetta not to seek revenge for Ortolani's murder when God told him to.

  Rebadow: Just 'cause I talk to God doesn't mean I'm crazy.

  • Schillinger flipping out when his name is mispronounced for the umpteenth time.

 Schillinger: Schillinger! God damn it, Schillinger! I've been here nine fucking years, you'd think you'd figure out how to say my fucking name!

  • This little exchange between the inmates in solitary:

 Clayton Hughes: "Robson you are one ugly motherfucker."

James Robson: "I don't see you modeling in Milan... you black bitch."

Miguel Alvarez: (Shot from behind with his pants down) "Hey shut the fuck up, I'm tryin' to masturbate!"

Hughes: "Hey fuck you Alvarez!"

Random CO: "Shut up! Warden on deck!" (Warden Glynn walks in)

Alvarez: "Hey Warden you get me excited! Why don't you hold my dick?"

  • Rebadow tying his little kerchief around his head rambo-style, doing sit ups while quoting Sun Tzu's The Art of War, and then miserably failing to kill Busmalis in what basically amounts to two confused old men fumbling around in the dark.
  • Schillinger awkwardly cradling the baby doll in the nursery, quickly putting it in the basket when the CO walks in, realizing he's put the white baby doll in the same basket as a black one, and then segregating all of the dolls.
  • Busmalis playing basketball.
  • Though a rather disturbing moment in and of itself, Cutler forcing the spoon up Robson's anus and Robson's pained grunts. The pained grunts being immediately topped off by the distinctive "HUH!" voice at the beginning of the credits got a quick guffaw out of this troper.
  • Clayton Hughes' pathetic attempted takeover of ad-seg, including other inmates heckling him and fellow inmate Greg Penders actually attempting to help him before realizing people are entering the hall and promptly scurrying back into his cell.
  • One guy upon seeing Schillinger dead on the ground: "That mothafucka's DEAD!"