A novel written in 2004 by Cecelia Ahern about a young woman Holly dealing with the death of her beloved husband, Gerry. Distraught and depressed, Holly withdraws from family and friends until she received a cake sent by her deceased husband with a message, which was the first of several letters - all ending in P.S. I Love You - written by Gerry which he had arranged to be sent after his death to help her push forward to the future.
Made into a film in 2007, starring Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa Kudrow and Kathy Bates.
Tropes in the film:[]
- Better as Friends: Holly and Dennis decide they were better as friends at the end of the movie.
- Dead Man Writing: The book/movie revolves around this entire concept.
- Disappeared Dad: Holly's father.
- Fake Irish: Scottish Gerard Butler plays an Irishman. Also American Jeffrey Dean Morgan plays William Gerry's childhood friend.
- Happily Married: Holly and Gerry until his death.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Phoebe is friends with Margaret Fitzerald.
- And the dead husband is King Leonidas.
- William is John Winchester.
- Romancing the Widow
- Reunion Kiss: Holly made a bet with Gerry that if she happened to meet him again by chance, she would return his jacket. Some time later, by luck, she entered the pub where he was singing and he sweeped her off her feet for a kiss.
- Serenade Your Lover: Gerry sings Galway Girl to Holly.
- Ship Tease: There were some moments between Holly and William a childhood friend of Gerry's. Also at the end, Holly's mother and William's father.
- Test Kiss: Holly and her friend Dennis kiss before pulling away and laughing and claming it felt more like kissing a sister.
- Holly's friend Denise asks a few questions when she is interested in a guy and then kisses him. Hilariously inverted when this was how her future husband met her.
- Title Drop: Occurred at the end of every single letters/messages from Gerry.