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 *a few seconds of silence*

Polly Jean: M-hmmm...?

  • wall of pounding guitars*
    • "Catherine" is perhaps one of the creepiest songs Harvey has recorded and that is saying a lot. Her voice in the entire song never rises above a whisper as she murmurs a prayer for the death and damnation of the titular women.
    • While not an overtly creepy song, some of the theories surrounding "A Perfect Day Elise" give cause to mention it here. Just what exactly goes on in Room 509?
      • This song was inspired by the J.D. Salinger story "A Perfect Day for Bananafish," which is the first of Salinger's stories about a member of the Glass family, Seymour. In the story, Seymour is on vacation with his wife in Florida. While his wife stays in the hotel room and talks on the phone to her mother about his strange behavior, Seymour is having a day at the beach. Afterwards, he comes into the hotel room where his wife is sleeping and shoots himself.
    • "Horses in My Dreams" is to be avoided if horses already creep you out.
    • "We Float" also know as nightmare fuel in a song.
  • Tear Jerker: "This Mess We're In" had an entirely different implication after 2001, especially when set with a video of 9/11.
    • "Horses In My Dreams" sounds like a desperate cry for help.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Political?: Polly has made a point of saying her upcoming album Let England Shake is not really political.