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  • How does a demon who has been imprisoned for thousands upon thousands of millenia, perhaps even more, ever since the dawn of time know anything about pop culture--much less quote it ENDLESSLY?
  • Why did they name the main character Daniel Garner when they could have called him John Painkiller? It seems like the obvious choice.
    • Supposedly, and this is just rumor, they wanted a more average and commonplace name so that the player could relate more to Daniel.
    • The game's Title comes from the name of his crazy melee weapon. besides that, having his last name be "Painkiller" just sounds ridiculous.
      • Game title comes from PCF Brainstorm, and later that weapon got ist name, but haveing character named just like game and some weapons sound ridiculous.
  • If you die in purgatory you go to hell. What happens if you die in hell? Back to purgatory? permanent death?
    • Perma-death for demons. Humans who die anywhere in the afterlife, purgatory or hell, get possessed by the demon who killed them.
  • So, if demons who are killed in purgatory just revive back in Hell, then what's the point of Daniel killing the 4 generals anyway if they'll just come back in Hell? Were you supposed to meet them again in a Boss Rush before fighting Lucifer? Is Alastor the only actual "demon" among the 4 generals?