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Located originally here, but now here, Paixao is a multifandom RP set in the Kingdom Hearts universe. It's one of the oldest ones out there, going for over 6 years.

Started as a game where characters would find themselves waking up just outside the city of Paixao, a domed city lorded over by Organization XIII where the plants and animals are made of precious materials and the people seem only superficial at best. While that element remains now, it has been revealed that the true location of the game is in Castle Oblivion, and that the "visitors" to Paixao can only leave by reaching the top.

Tropes used in Paixao include:
  1. creatures created for the game
  2. courtesy of Vanitas
  3. For those wondering, Timon managed to set the toaster on fire, Vyers walked in on it, panicked, and tossed the toaster out the window. This was never actually logged.