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Pangako Sa ’Yo (lit. My Promise to You) is a primetime soap opera series produced and broadcast by the Philippine media network ABS-CBN. It is dubbed the first "teleserye" on Philippine television. It starred Kristine Hermosa and Jericho Rosales. The soap, which ran from 2000 to 2002, spanned 476 episodes at 30 minutes each.

The story begins with the love between Amor Powers and Eduardo Buenavista, which is put to the test by the. Buenavista's mean and greedy matriarch, Doña Benita, who wants him to marry Claudia Zalameda, a scion from a politician family for the sake of saving her hacienda. After Eduardo mistakes Amor having a relationship with Diego, his brother (he's actually trying to rape her), he marries Claudia, and Amor is forced to return to the dump site, and vows revenge towards the Buenavistas after Eduardo marries Claudia.

Years later, Amor has become a wealthy businesswoman, while Eduardo has become a governor and Claudia has become a gambling queen. His son, Angelo, hates his methods but is nice towards the hardworking farmers of the hacienda. One day, a young woman named Yna Macaspac enters the Buenavista household as a maid to help her family, and it's where she meets Angelo, and the mysteries of their pasts unfold--while Amor and Claudia set off a gruesome and ruthless rivalry as Amor unleashes her plan of revenge towards the Buenavistas.

Pangako Sa 'Yo can probably be considered as one of ABS-CBN's best (if not the greatest) dramas, with its ratings reaching highly insane levels not only in the Philippines, but in other countries as well, largely because of the couple of Angelo and Yna and the violent Amor-Claudia rivalry. Also, the drama gets its riveting story from the excellent expertise of ABS-CBN's film production arm, Star Cinema.

In fact, the series got a Cambodian version, and more importantly, a 2015 remake on ABS-CBN. In the remake, Angelo will be played by Daniel Padilla, and Yna will be played by Kathryn Bernardo, and it can be worthy to say that both the Jericho-Kristine and Kathryn-Daniel loveteams were both insanely popular by the time of the two series' releases. And for fans of Amor and Claudia, they will be played by Jodi Sta. Maria and Angelica Panganiban, respectively.

The remake now has it's own page.


  • The Alcatraz: Claudia ends up in jail in the end.
  • As Himself: Two former ABS-CBN reporters, Erwin Tulfo and Nadia Trinidad appeared in the series as ABS-CBN reporters on TV.
  • Ascended Extra: Not exactly in-universe: Jodi Sta. Maria portrayed Lia Buenavista, the younger sister of Angelo in the original series, and in the remake, will play Amor Powers.
  • Bad Boss: Dona Benita and James.
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: Yna, big time. She is beautiful and purely kind-hearted.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Poor Amor is treated as this by James, which soon forces her to do a Face-Heel Turn towards her abusive husband.
  • Bigger Bad: Claudia as the series progresses.
  • Break Them by Talking: Amor blows Claudia's fuse when she claims that Angelo is dead.
  • Breakout Character: Amor and Claudia, thanks to their violent rivalry.
  • Christmas Cake: Amor eventually becomes this after James dies, until Eduardo marries her.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Lia in the epilogue of the final episode, because she was killed in a car accident.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: In the beginning, Doña Benita and Amor's former husband, James Powers.
    • Then, Claudia and Amor become this after Benita and James die.
  • Death Seeker: At one point, in episode 22, Amor was this during her flashbacks with James.
  • Decoy Protagonist: At first, you'd think Amor is the protagonist. Angelo and Yna are actually the protagonists of the drama.
  • Eagle Land: James, Amor's ex-husband. She abused Amor and banned her from returning to the Philippines. Then he suffers a stroke, and signs documents which involve selling his assets to someone, which will leave his family with nothing. And then, Amor refuses to give financial help for his recovery, and it turns out James turned over to Amor all of his assets, and then he dies.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Amor and Claudia, given the fact that both of them are the main antagonists of the series.
    • Out of the two, Claudia seems to be the more malevolent villain.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: As violent and ruthless Amor is, she looks quite good.
  • Face Heel Turn: Both Amor and Claudia abandoned these two when they suffered a stroke: Dona Benita (Claudia) and James (Amor).
    • To a bigger extent, Amor became hellbent on destroying the Buenavista family after Eduardo marries Claudia.
  • Happily Married: In the end, Angelo and Yna and Amor and Eduardo get married.
  • Heel Face Turn: In the later episodes, Amor becomes an ally with Angelo, Yna and the Buenavistas as they thwart Claudia's evil schemes.
  • Mega Corp: Galaxy Powers, owned by Amor.
  • Nice to the Waiter: Angelo is friendly towards the hard-working farm folks in the hacienda, and even to his servant Yna, who soon becomes his wife.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Claudia gives one to Yna. And Angelo didn't take this well.
  • Official Couple: Angelo and Yna.
  • Oh Crap:
    • James when he finds out that he turned over all his assets to Amor.
    • Claudia when she finds out who Maria Amor truly is (prior to that, she killed Maria Amor), in which she gets deeply crushed.
  • Plot-Triggering Death: Amor was wealthy because she inherited her assets from her deceased husband, James.
  • Recurring Character: Lia, Jonathan, among others.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Yna utters one when an abandoned warehouse (where Angelo was in) explodes.
    • Yna: ANGELO!!!!!
    • Angelo does the exact same thing when Yna becomes unconscious.
      • Angelo: YNA!!!!!
  • We Hardly Knew Ye:
    • Dona Benita only appears in the first and second episodes because she suffered a stroke in both episodes and died in the second episode.
    • James only appears briefly in episode 1 and in Amor's flashbacks in episode 22, which takes place between Amor mourning the death of her mother and James' death.