In 101 Dalmatians, Pongo teams up with Perdy to lay the hurting on the two thugs about kill not only their puppies but all 99 puppies. Their treatment of the bad guys is SCARY. You do not mess with puppies and let their parents find out.
Gru from Despicable Me after his 3 adopted daughters are kidnapped. Among other things, he hopscotches over a group of heat-seeking missiles fired towards him and one-punches a shark!
In a minor case, when the carnival barker denies Agnes the unicorn she wanted, even when she hit the nearly impossible target. He almost made her cry and Gru shows him why he should never mess with the adopted children of a supervillian.
Whether it's Disney's The Jungle Book or Tale Spin, messing with Mowgli/Kit will get you trouble from Baloo. In the former, he tells Big Bad Shere Khan outright, "Keep your flea-bitten paws offa my cub!" In the latter, discovering that someone has conned Kit leads to a different threat, "Wait until I get through with that guy he'll be able to count his teeth on one finger!" Both Mowgli and Kit even affectionately call him "Papa Bear".
Hiccup is lucky enough to have two of is his biological father, a Badass Viking who's willing to punch dragons in the face and dent metal with his hammer to protect his boy, and the other is a freaking dragon. A dragon who attacks and drives off another dragon a little over three times his own size when the other threatened Hiccup.
The Lion King: Mufasa is the best father ever (no matter his species), as he is wise, just, loving, stern when necessary, and royal. But don't you dare cause any harm to his kid, or he will find you and he will kick your ass.
Although not a biological father, O'Malley from The Aristocats fights quite ferociously to prevent the Big Bad from shipping the cats to Timbuktu.
Marlin in Finding Nemo, because how many fish do you know would risk life and death across an ocean that is infamous for some of the most POISONOUS and DANGEROUSLY VICIOUS creatures of the sea, to find his son? He's not even a shark, he's a Goddamn clownfish who's scared of everything.