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~~Soap Opera Religious, Comedy~~
Para Pencari Tuhan (The God Searchers in English) is a well-known Indonesian Soap Opera that airs in SCTV. One of the directors was nationally famous Dedi Mizwar (who is also an actor there) and it airs in the fasting month of Islam known as Ramadhan. The main story is about the Comic Trio named Barong, Chelsea, and Juki who used to be in prison, ending up as workers at a musholla (mini mosque) being taught by Mr. Jack (Bang Jack).
Five seasons were aired in its home country (and its respected neighbors) until today.
Provides examples of:
- The Alcoholic - Baha
- Alcohol Is Poison - It killed Asrul's last child.
- It also killed Baha.
- An Aesop - The point of the series.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension - Pretty common in the series. There are at least three cases.
- Blood From the Mouth - Baha had experienced this, and a lot later.
- Briefcase Full of Money - Season 4. A little different that it uses a regular briefcase instead of a metal one.
- Cassandra Truth - Bonte tries to convince Mr. Jack that the RW leader and his gang were making money by faking that Baha is some holy man. He didn't believes him and thought he's crazy instead.
- The Danza - Several characters on the show, including Asrul and Udin.
- December-December Romance - Between Mr. Jack and Azam's mother.
- Evil Sorcerer - The RW leader claims that he learned sorcery since he was little, such as Voodoo and Mind-controlling.
- Executive Meddling - In Universe, where Mr. Jack was kicked out of the musholla and replaced by the RW leader.
- Forgotten Birthday - Aya's Birthday during one episode.
- Fainting - When Kalila just knew that Azam and Aya are going to get married by looking at a wedding invitation.
- Heterosexual Life Partners - Asrul and Udin, they both have wives, and the former has children.
- Aya and Kalila, despite that they fought over the same man.
- Hollywood Voodoo - The RW (some form of neighborhood) leader does this to get the Briefcase Full of Money.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy - At the end of the 3rd season, Aya lets Azam marry with Kalila, but as Azam and Kalila practiced for the wedding ceremony, turns out that somehow Kalila says that Azam would be better with Aya, and Azam finally married to Aya.
- Incurable Cough of Death - Happened to The Alcoholic at the 3rd season.
- Just Like Robin Hood - Robin
- Lethal Chef - Unfortunately Aya's mother-in-law disapproves Aya's cooking.
- Like a Son to Me - Bang Jack to Barong, Chelsea, and Juki.
- Like Brother and Sister - Baha and Kalila, especially at the 2nd season.
- Limited Wardrobe - Asrul almost always wear a blue T-Shirt and a red cap during the early seasons. Justified that he was too poor to buy new clothes (and currently saving money for his pilgrimage to Mecca).
- Love Triangle - Aya, Azam, and Kalila at the third season.
- Parental Substitute - Juki's Mother (Mak Juki)
- Mr. Jack to Chelsea, Barong, and Juki.
- Obnoxious In-Laws - Aya's mother-in-law.
- Official Couple - Aya and Azam, until there was another person.
- But were back into an Official Couple again as they married in the Season 3 finale.
- Power Trio - Barong, Chelsea, and Juki (the three themselves are played by the Trio Bajaj). In scratch, Barong would be Superego, Chelsea would be Id while Juki would be Ego.
- Promotion to Parent - Seemly Haifa, Aya's sister.
- Rags to Riches - Happened to Asrul, and unfortunately inverted to Mr. Jalal. In season 5, Barong, Juki and Chelsea become TV stars playing a Sinetron (Indonesia soap opera) which has a story that is very similar to their own life about a trio of former criminals who ended up working in a musholla. Accordingly, they tried to ask Mr. Jack to live with them in their new house, though Mr. Jack politely decline because he wants to dedicate himself to taking care of the Musholla.
- Rich Jerk With A Heart Of Gold - Kalila's uncle Jalal.
- Screaming Birth
- Short Distance Phone Call: Between Aya and Kalila.
- Tomboy - Azam's gift towards Aya implies that she used to be this when she was little.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife - Udin and his wife.
- Verbal Tic - During the early seasons, Bonte likes to say "Cie Cie Cie!" (an equivalent to whistling)
- Yamato Nadeshiko - Asrul's wife Mira.