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Para World is a 2006 PC strategy game by the German company SEK.
It revolves around three scientists who each discover evidence that leads them to conclude that a parallel universe exists. Before they can announce their findings to the world, they are dumped in the parallel universe by a sinister group (the SEAS) who has dominated it for the past century and left to fend for themselves. Fortunately for them, they manage to secure the trust of the natives, and so rally the inhabitants of the parallel world to rebel against the SEAS' rule.
This parallel world is inhabited by dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, which the native tribes have managed to train as beasts of war. The Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot approach defines these and the other units in the game. It is possible to have a fight involving ninjas riding dinosaurs, vikings, and steampunk robots.
The game's most notable feature is the Army Controller, a panel on the left of the screen displaying every unit you control and what they are doing. While offering an incredibly convenient method of controlling units, the obscurity of the game means that it failed to be as revolutionary as the box touted.
- Another Dimension
- Anticlimax Boss: Babbit. As you have Ada at this point, you can use her headshot skill to rip off a giant chunk of his HP, making the final boss fight ridiculously easy. The Scorpion is a lesser example, given that you don't fight it directly.
- Bamboo Technology: Done quite literally in the case of the Dragon Clan.
- Captain Ersatz: Word of God says that James Warden is a Captain Ersatz of Darwin, and Taslow is a Captain Ersatz of Nikola Tesla. The same goes for Jarvis Babbit (Charles Babbage) and Heinrich Kleeman (Henrich Schliemann).
- Chosen One: Not really.
- Colour Coded Armies: You are always blue, the enemies are always red. This still holds in the boosterpack missions, even though you play as the normally red guys.
- Did Not Do the Research: the characters mention that electricity does not exist in that world. However, since humans and everything else that has nerves practically runs on bioelectricity, this makes the claim dubious.
- Fridge Brilliance: Maybe electricity doesn't necessarily exist as, well, electricity in Paraworld, after all, the game seems to make it clear magic exists, maybe Paraworld "magic" is actually their version of electricity.
- The Dragon: Leighton.
- Dull Surprise: Much of the voice acting, Stina in particular. This also applies to the 'acting' of the cinematics, most of which is generated with in-game models which don't do any expressions beside open and close their mouths and waving their hands around.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Fan Service: Stina...and most of the female characters, for that matter.
- Fantasy Counterpart Culture: The Norsemen are European, the Dustriders are African/Middle Eastern, and the Dragon Clan are Asian.
- Finishing Move: Most units have one, displayed if they kill an enemy. For example, an Allosaurus will tear apart a human warrior.
- Hero Must Survive: An objective in some missions.
- Lethal Lava Land: the Ashvalley setting.
- Lost World
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: where to begin? Note that ninjas, pirates, zombies, and robots do all appear within the game. There are even ninja pirates and zombie Vikings.
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Stina. Allegedly Swedish, sounds nothing of the sort. Some units don't have the same accents as the rest of their comrades do, and the Norsemen stand out as being Americans in a crowd of tribes who at least sound like their ethnicity.
- Rock Beats Laser: Averted. Unfortunately, you are the guy with the rocks.
- Scenery Porn: The levels are just beautiful.
- Shout-Out: Multiple, mainly to Jurassic Park.
- In a boosterpack mission, one can find a statue of a mammoth, a sabre tooth cat, and a sloth.
- There is a Gigantopithecus in mission 6 that throws barrels.
- Spider Tank: Comes in both a regular and final boss version.
- Steampunk
- Stop Poking Me: All the units have annoy messages, some of which form entire comedy routines. They also show that the Stegosaurus hates to be confused with Kentrosaurus, and vice versa.
- Somewhere a Paleontologist Is Crying: This game has dilophosauruses with frills that spit venom, and many raptors and other theropods without feathers, despite this game made way after such traits were known to exist.
- Stock Dinosaurs: Strangely averted. The game goes as far as putting in Achelousaurus.
- Stripperiffic: Most of the costumes of the female characters are designed to show off their breasts the most that the game dares to get away with. The Dust Rider women live this trope.
- Tactical Rock-Paper-Scissors: There are four types: human, animal, machine, and building. Some units are more effective against others.
- Tyrannosaurus Rex: Yes, this game has it. As one faction's elite unit, no less.
- Units Not to Scale: Done most obviously with the dinosaurs, as some are not to scale with the people. This is particularly evident with the titan units, which are much bigger than the standard versions of their species.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Babbit, if his final monologue is to believed. He wants to keep the parallel world a secret so that it isn't tarnished by the modern world. Considering that his course of action after failing to kill the heroes is to push the parallel world out of its orbit with a giant jet so that the gates don't open, his claims are somewhat dubious.
- You Have Failed Me: Babbit's reaction to Ada failing to properly dispose of the heroes, leading to her subsequent Face Heel Turn.