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Paragon was a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena game developed and published by Epic Games. Powered by their own Unreal Engine 4, the game started pay-to-play early access in March 2016, and free-to-play access to its open beta started in February 2017.

Epic Games shut down its servers on April 27, 2018 and released the game's assets for free use under Unreal Engine 4, via the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

Tropes used in Paragon include:
  • Color-Coded Wizardry: Cards are split into five Affinities: Order (White), Knowledge (Blue), Death (Purple), Chaos (Red), and Growth (Green).
  • Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Characters include robots, futuristic soldiers and wizards.
  • Free to Play
  • Glass Cannon: The Assassin classes are mainly these.
  • Loot Boxes: Their crates drop randomly after completing matches, but they need Keys for them to be open. To buy the keys it's to either buy them from the store, level grind, waiting for dem drops, or special holidays/events.
  • MOBA
  • The Sixth Ranger: Similar to Overwatch, Paragon gets new playable Heroes added to their roster regularly.