Fridge Brilliance: Tsuki designed Maromi after herself. Pink body, brown-black hair/ears, big, vacant black eyes.
Might overlap with Fridge Horror, but look carefully at Maromi's head. Why is it so big and misshapen? It's supposed to look like a mushroom cloud.
Or perhaps it looks flattened because of what happened to the original Maromi.
Harumi Chono has a split personality, and is named after a butterfly, much like the rest of the cast. Only Harumi has a surname, which begins with Cho, in the same structure of everyone else's surname. The word for butterfly is "Chocho". Cho is only half of it, much like Harumi is only half of the person!
On that note, Harumi is beautiful on the inside, but not as pretty as Maria, who is ugly on the inside. This raises the question of which is the caterpillar and which is the butterfly!
Then consider that everyone likes caterpillars, despite them being uglier than butterflies, so this troper would guess that Harumi's the caterpillar and Maria's the butterfly.
Maria's a prostitute, so the "others" could be seen as flowers is he is the butterfly.
So that makes Maromi the giant can of bugspray looming overhead until the last second?
Fridge Horror: It seems to strike Maniwa near the end that everything is just going to repeat itself, and that Shounen Bat will never truly go away.
Fridge Horror: As it is implied in the end that lil Slugger is an imaginary manifestation by those who are stresed, that would mean most attacks are actually self-inflicted or inflicted by others in stress. In episode 6, the bullied wife in the end sees her husband beaten by lil Slugger. Given that it's implied that she's the one in high stress, it's likely she beat her own husband to death just to make a story so she could fit in