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- Crowning Moment of Funny: One episode has the older siblings discover Claudia has gone missing. They call the police and search the neighbourhood and the next morning come down to breakfast to find her in the kitchen. Turns out she'd been at a sleepover and they'd forgotten.
- Another one that qualifies is Kirsten trying on the Salinger mother's wedding dress which of course does not fit. It's apparently the last straw for her as when Charlie tries to calm her down she shrieks: "A little anxious!? I'm gonna need a straitjacket! Hey, why don't I wear one of those? It's white, it's classic and it'll fit me better than this!"
- Les Yay: Claudia and her friend Jody are a little too close.
- Tear Jerker: Many moments to choose from but the most heart wrenching is Claudia's breakdown in front of Bailey at his intervention where she threatens to stop loving him and orders him out of their lives if he doesn't get better.
- There's also the episode where each of them confront the man who was responsible for their parents' death. Charlie is the most reluctant to do so, and we find out why at the end; he blames himself. He thinks if he'd come home on time to babysit the others, his parents wouldn't have been in such a rush, and they wouldn't have been hit by the drunk driver.
- Unfortunate Implications: the series is about five siblings dealing with the fact their parents died. The Real Song Theme Tune is titled "Closer To Free". What.
- The Woobie: Claudia for a while and then Owen.