Essentially a Companion Cube episode. An episode of a television show where, after being (or feeling) abandoned by or isolated from his or her friends, a character begins talking to various inanimate objects, giving them (sometimes punny) names and treating them as a new group of imaginary friends. A Party of One will always involve more than one Companion Cube, and it will nearly always be temporary, most of the time no longer than one episode. Most probably the character will be freed from his delusional state by his real friends at the end.
Tropes used in Party of One include:
- The famous "I am Mrs. Nesbitt" scene from Toy Story, where afer being adopted by a girl, Buzz snaps and starts having a tea party with some headless dolls.
- Trope Namer: Pinkie Pie in the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic episode "Party of One".
- Even in the previous series, Pinkie Pie had tea parties with inanimate objects. In fact, mostly everyone had them at some point.
- The Penguins of Madagascar episode "All King, No Kingdom": After banishing Maurice and Mort, Julien begins talking to bear-shaped rubber balloons.
- SpongeBob SquarePants does this in the episode "I Had an Accident": When he decides not to leave his house any more so as not to risk any further accidents, he finds new friends in "Penny, Chip, and Used Napkin".
- Eric Cartman has tea parties with his toys in several episodes, treating them as living beings. Although this is an ongoing thing, it may still be seen as an example since it only happens a few times in disjointed episodes. The episode "1%" could be seen as an inversion, where he begins to "murder" his imaginary friends after his real friends tell him to grow up.