Pcull (technically, Pcull with five 4's after it, but they're generally not referred to anyway) is a YouTube-based Lets Player. And while being emotive and interesting to listen to is generally important for a Let's Player, Pcull is notable for going far above and beyond. He has an extremely bombastic narration style, full of overblown diction, wildly vacillating voices and accents, and his fairly deep natural voice. Add to that a tendency to ramble at length about whatever comes to mind while he's playing the game (he once burst into the entirety of a Tiny Tim song just because he felt like it), and you have one wacky LP'er on your hands.
As for the games he's Let's Played themselves, he's tackled a number of games from Nintendo systems, mostly the Super Nintendo. He's also played a number of the 2D Zelda games, as well as several licensed titles.
Games he's Let's Played include:
- Aladdin (based on the Disney movie)
- Goof Troop
- Sunset Riders
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose!
- Zelda:
- The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening
- The Legend of Zelda a Link To T He Past
- The Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap
- Parallel Worlds (a Link To The Past ROM Hack)'
- Goddess Of Wisdom (LTTP ROM Hack)
- The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask (done as a stream originally; currently being posted to YouTube)
- Mega Man X
- Donkey Kong Country 2
- Diddy Kong Racing
- Super Mario 64
- Earthworm Jim 2
- Battletoads (4-player competitive race between him, Proton Jon, Nintendo Capri Sun, and Super Jeenius)
- Rocket Robot On Wheels
- Pokémon Red
This LP'er gives examples of:
- Angrish: Most of his part in the Battletoads race is like this, but special mention must be made of one moment late in Part 3: After getting thrown across the room for the umpteenth time by one of the rubber ducks in Stage 9, his frustration breaks down into what can only be described as a real-life Stupid Statement Dance Mix. (Check it out around 27 minutes into the video.)
- At the end of the race, he was given an achievement for the sheer number of times he went into an incoherent rage:
Quit Yo' Jibba Jabba!: Spoke in gibberish the most |
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
- Big No: Lets Play Super Mario 64 Parts 8 and 10. Tropers with headphones, be careful. It's kinda loud.
- Brief Accent Imitation: Frequently.
- Catch Phrase: "Peace out, mother-truckers!"
- And in his Minish Cap LP, "SHUT UP, ELMO!"
- Celebrity Resemblance: He fully believes Diddy Kong looks like Michael Bolton. Or Michael Bolton looks like Diddy Kong.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Falls back on them every once in a while. Especially when failing at easy tasks.
- Colbert Bump: Starring in a collaboration alongside two of the three Runaway Guys (Nintendo Capri Sun and Proton Jon, specifically) has definitely given him more exposure, and a few people have admitted to subscribing to him just because of his moment of Angrish listed above.
- Doomy Dooms of Doom: He has a tendency to add the phrase "of doom and destruction" to things. Almost to the point of being a Verbal Tic.
- Ear Worm: In-universe, he considers the Wizpig theme to be this.
- It doesn't help that his Wizpig race went on for roughly 40 minutes!
- Fan Nickname: In-universe, he has the habit of calling Diddy Kong "Michael Bolton."
- He calls every bird-like character "SQUAWKS!.
- After fireballing a fish in Super Mario World, he starts calling coins "Filet 'O Fishes", then eventually "FISH FILLETS!." It also happened in his Mega Man Xtreme 2 LP after he defeated Volt Catfish.
- First-Name Basis: He almost exclusively calls himself Patrick (or Patty, if he's being cutesy), and very rarely uses his nickname.
- Happy Dance: The title screen music causes one at the beginning of his Earthworm Jim 2 LP.
- Hope Spot: Lampshaded during the Battletoads race. After clearing a hard section, he immediately dies.
Proton Jon: That's what you get for getting cocky. |
- Ironic Nickname: As revealed in a co-commentary on Donkey Kong 64, he actually hates pickles.
- Jive Turkey: One of his many, many stock voices.
- Large Ham: It is difficult to describe just how large his ham gets without listening to him. Here's[1] some[2] examples.[3]
- Last Lousy Point: In-universe, happens to him when he attempts to get 100 coins in Shifting Sand Land in Super Mario 64. He goes into the pyramid, exhausts all the coins in there, and finds himself with... 99. And he can't leave the pyramid, no matter how hard he tries.
- Happens again in Lethal Lava Land, where he dies due to Camera Screw on the 99th coin.
- Last-Second Word Swap: "Peace out, mothertruckers!" Of course, he says it at the end of every video, so it's not precisely last second, but it's in the spirit of the trope.
- Man of a Thousand Voices: Of particular note are his "Midwestern mother-in-law," "Surfer Dude," "Christopher Walken," and "Mickey Mouse" voices.
- During his Minish Cap LP, he decides to give Ezlo a new voice for each episode.
- Metal Scream: His usual intro. "OOOOOH WUTUP DISSIS PCULL!"
- He also does this in his Super Mario 64 LP whenever he gets the Metal Cap.
- Nerd Glasses: Invoked in his Majoras Mask stream. "How can your glasses be broken? Those are, like, your lifeline to being a nerd!"
- No Indoor Voice: Absolutely none at all.
- One of Us: Mentions this page itself by name in his Diddy Kong Racing finale.
- Performance Anxiety: The Let's Play curse hits him hard in Super Mario 64. Combine this with oddball glitches, and he admits that his fail is probably what's keeping his fans interested.
- Punny Name: In Pokémon Red, most of the nicknames he gives his Pokemon create puns when coupled with the "Go! [NAME!]" part of the battle text. Except for FLARP!
- Real Men Wear Pink: He breaks into a Hannah Montana song at one point. And he fully admits that he has no problems with knowing, or being able to sing, one.
- Rhymes on a Dime: "Goody-goody gumdrop! ...Listen to my tongue flop!"
- Signature Laugh: "Hufufufu!"
- Simpleton Voice: He uses one of these for describing Pokemon in his Pokémon Red LP. It sounds sort of like a cross between PJ from Goof Troop and Pinky from Pinky and The Brain.
- Stealth Pun: His old YouTube avatar was a pickle.
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: "Tickety tickety tickety tock. This clock hand looks like a giant... flock of seagulls!" He then immediately points out the joke he just made.
- Surfer Dude: Another one of his stock voices.
- Tempting Fate: "Just watch, I'm going to spend forty minutes yelling at this game." Actual time on the video: 41 minutes, 50 seconds.
- Troll: His friend Clay, who appears alongside him in a few of his videos. In the Majoras Mask stream in particular, he's constantly telling Pcull to use absurd Tool Assisted Speedrun tactics.
- Verbal Tic: "-appotamus," which he appends randomly to nouns. "Channelpotamus," "boostapotamus," et cetra.
- Vocal Dissonance: In his Super Mario 64 LP, he gives Toad a deep, manly voice after brushing off a more typical high-pitched one.
- And then there's pretty much the entirety of his co-commentary on Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. He gives each character pretty much the least appropriate voice.
- Not to mention the low, manly voice he gives Jasmine at the end of his Aladdin LP.
Peace out, mothertruckers!