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  • When Linus and Snoopy are putting a dinosaur skeleton together they begin dancing and raucously singing "Dem Bones", deliberately mixing the lyrics up ("the knee bone's connected to the wrist bone," etc.) until Lucy bodily throws them out the front door.
    • And just to seal the deal, Charlie Brown's walking by just in time to see it happen.
  • "That's the first time I've ever seen a kite explode!"
  • In the special It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown, Marcie's epic failures on making Easter eggs. First she fries them, then she tries to put them in the waffle iron and in the toaster, then finally, Peppermint Patty tells her to boil the eggs. And Marcie messes this up too, since she cracks the eggs open and pours them into the boiling water, culminating with Peppermint Patty finding out and roaring "Marcie, you made egg soup! AUGHHHH!"
    • Also near the end of the special, after she and Peppermint Patty buy eggs, Patty tells Marcie that "We put salt on the eggs and eat them." Marcie, who just happens to have a salt shaker in her pocket, salts the egg and bites it without taking the shell off and says, "Tastes terrible, sir!"
  • One time, when Lucy accidentally kissed Snoopy, she naturally ran home and took a cold shower (fully clothed)... Then it was revealed that Snoopy did the same thing.
  • Beethoven's Birthday 1970: Schroeder announces that he's going to kiss Lucy on the nose to celebrate the day, then has his "representative" (Snoopy) supply the kiss. You can imagine what happens next.
  • Lucy's epic excuses for missing fly balls. Even Charlie Brown has been impressed at times.

Lucy: The sun got in my eyes. [when Charlie Brown reminds her it's cloudy and the sun isn't out] The clouds got in my eyes!
Lucy: The moons of Saturn got in my eyes!
Lucy: I think there were toxic substances coming from my glove, and they made me dizzy.
Lucy: [rushing to the pitcher's mound after a player on other team hits a high fly] Did you see that fly ball? I don't want to be out there alone when it comes down.
Lucy: The dandelions got in my eyes. When the sun reflects off the bright yellow dandelions, I can't see the ball.
Lucy: [missing the last fly ball of the season] Fall got in my eyes.
Lucy: [why she waited for a missed fly to stop rolling before she picked it up] It was having a good time, and I didn't want to disturb it.

  • 1963: In a Sunday strip, Lucy offers Linus a piece of chocolate, but Linus, afraid he'll get one with coconut filling, takes his sweet time scrutinizing every piece of candy in the box and trying to decide whether it might be coconut. Lucy loses her patience and screams, "TAKE ONE!", forcing Linus to choose one at random. Naturally, he picks... coconut.
  • 1964: A story arc adapted into A Boy Named Charlie Brown a few years later. Lucy decides to "help" Charlie Brown by putting on a slide show of all his faults, which is long enough to require an intermission. The kicker: Lucy thereafter sends an already-traumatized Charlie Brown a bill for $143 ($100 of which is her arbitrary "personal fee").

Lucy: I helped you a lot! I pointed out all your faults! I proved to you that psychiatry is an exact science!
Charlie Brown: AN EXACT SCIENCE?
Lucy: Yes, you owe me EXACTLY one hundred and forty-three dollars!

  • Mid-'60s: In a Sunday strip, Charlie Brown buys $5 worth of baseball cards hoping to find a Joe Shlabotnik card, but comes up empty. Lucy buys one penny worth of baseball cards from the same store, unwraps it, and gets... Joe Shlabotnik. The expression on Charlie Brown's face really sells it.
  • 1967: In one Sunday strip, Lucy goes berserk after Snoopy sniffs her glass of root beer and declares the beverage contaminated with dog germs: she can see them with her binoculars.

Charlie Brown: That's one thing you should never do... sniff in your hostess's root beer!
Snoopy: I'll remember that... next time I'll bite her on the leg!

  • 1973-74: Peppermint Patty has to stay in "Chuck's guest cottage" - aka Snoopy's doghouse - when her father goes out of town. Later, she decides to quit school because she's depressed over her "straight 'Z' average," angering Marcie, who tries to forcefully pull Patty down off the "guest cottage" roof and drag her to school. In the process, Snoopy's doghouse falls apart.

Patty: All right, Marcie, I hope you're satisfied! You've destroyed Chuck's guest cottage!
Marcie: It's NOT a guest cottage, sir, it's a doghouse! And Snoopy ISN'T a funny looking kid with a big nose! He's a beagle! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FACE UP TO REALITY?!!
Patty: A beagle?
Snoopy: Woof!
Marcie: Come on, sir, let's go home.
Patty: A beagle?
Marcie: I don't know how we'll explain missing school today, but we'll think of something.
Patty: A beagle?
Marcie: We could say we had sore throats, but that would be lying.
Patty: A beagle!
Marcie: Psychological problems! That's it! We'll tell them we had some psychological problems.
Patty: A beagle?

  • 1974-75: A story line later adapted into the TV special She's a Good Skate, Charlie Brown. Peppermint Patty drafts Marcie into making her a dress for an ice-skating contest, but Marcie, having no sewing expertise, makes the dress without sleeves or a waistline, so that it looks like a tent. Marcie's mother comes to the rescue and sews a proper dress, but then Patty decides she wants her hair cut and goes to Charlie Brown's dad's barber shop. Mr. Brown, not realizing Patty is a girl, cuts her hair short like a boy's, forcing Patty to buy a giant Afro-style wig. The final blow: at the contest itself, Patty learns the contest she's been preparing for is not an ice skating contest, but a roller-skating contest. Still owing her coach (Snoopy) for her skating lessons, she pays him with the only thing she has to give him: her wig.
  • 1978: Marcie joins Linus in his vigil of waiting for the Great Pumpkin, but gets in trouble with her parents for it: they subject Marcie to "deprogramming", calling Linus a false prophet. Equally funny is that Marcie continually refers to the Great Pumpkin as the "Great Grape."
  • 1979: Snoopy as the World War I Flying Ace, out to dinner with Marcie, who orders in perfect French.

Marcie: Potage au cerfeuil... canard à l'orange... escargots... fonds d'artichaut... pâté de foie gras... et beignets, s'il vous plaît. [Note: She's ordering chervil soup, orange duck, snails, artichoke hearts, duck liver pâté, and beignets, which are doughnut-like pastries sprinkled with powdered sugar.]
Snoopy: [chagrined] Un root beer, s'il vous plaît.

  • 1983: Linus finally manages to give up his security blanket and decides to start a "blanket cessation" clinic. He attracts a grand total of one client, who, much to Linus's horror, turns out to be Sally in disguise. The next day, Linus is back on the blanket.
  • The 1983 Christmas story arc: Sally gets a part as an angel in the class Christmas play, insisting she has one line - "Hark!" - after which someone named "Harold Angel" is supposed to sing. On the night of the play, she gets an attack of stage fright on stage and yells, "Hockey Stick!" Afterwards, she is horrified, declaring that she's now hated by not only everyone in school, but Moses, Luke, and "all FIFTY" Apostles. Meanwhile, the Brick Joke pays off when Charlie Brown discovers that "Harold Angel" is in fact a real person, suggesting this WASN'T one of Sally's usual malapropisms.
  • 1984: Peppermint Patty is held back for failing all her classes, but on the first day of school, Patty's former classmates discover they can still hear her sleeping in class and snoring. This leads to mass hysteria, as the kids decide the school is haunted and are afraid to go into the building. Finally, Patty's teacher decides to let her back into her former class, and things return to normal: the first thing Patty does when reunited with her old classmates is fall asleep.

Marcie: At least it's new snoring, Ma'am, and not reruns.

  • 1988: Peppermint Patty, frustrated over Marcie's lack of ability, trades her to Charlie Brown's team for Lucy (and a pizza). She comes to regret it, as Lucy quickly tries her patience beyond endurance: in one strip, Lucy suggests she missed a fly ball because her glove was too small, and Patty outfits Lucy with a shopping cart to catch the ball. Needless to say, Patty quickly reverses the trade.
  • 1988: Sally is chosen to write her class's Christmas play, but errs in putting Geronimo into the story instead of Gabriel, which angers one of her actors when he learns he has to play an angel instead of a stick-horse-riding Native American warrior. However, the school board cancels the play due to its religious content, and Sally gets them to reconsider by promising to rewrite the play sans religion. So the kid gets his chance to play Geronimo after all.
    • Also funny: the original draft of the play includes a scene with Joseph and his family driving to Egypt in a 1956 Thunderbird.
  • 1989: Charlie Brown gets a phone call from a strange girl who claims to be an old friend of his and invites him to meet her at the mall. It turns out the girl thinks Snoopy is "Charlie Brown" and decides to take the beagle out for a marshmallow sundae.

Girl: [at the restaurant, as Charlie Brown watches her and Snoopy] Who's this stupid kid who keeps staring at us through the window?
Snoopy: If he has a round head, I might know him.

  • Another time, Charlie Brown left his shirt behind at Lucy's place, so Lucy put it on and pretended to be him. Then Charlie himself happens along...

Charlie Brown: Well, hello there, Charlie Brown, you blockhead!


Charlie Brown: Why would they ban Miss Sweetstory's book from the school library?
Linus: I can't believe it. I just can't believe it!
Charlie Brown: Maybe there are some things in her book that we don't understand.
Sally: In that case, they should also ban my math book!


Charlie Brown (writing a letter): Dear teammates, I have been thinking of resigning my job as your manager, and I-
Lucy: We accept!

  • Charlie Brown, licking a double-dip ice cream cone, ponders how in some neighborhoods you have to be careful about dropping part of your ice cream on the sidewalk. He loses the top scoop of his cone, but Snoopy comes roaring by at jet speed and swallows the scoop before it even hits the ground. "...But not in this neighborhood," Charlie concludes, licking what's left of his cone.
  • The Mad Punter. Just... just the Mad Punter. Us readers know who it is pretty early on, but Linus and Charlie Brown don't find out until the very end. It's Snoopy.
  • Linus's reciting of the Christmas story in A Charlie Brown Christmas is referenced in a later Sunday strip when Sally asks him to explain the story to him. However, Sally doesn't pay attention and spends the entire strip grumbling about Christmas shopping and how expensive gifts are. Right after Linus gets to the angel appearing to the shepherds, he finally gives up and falls back in his chair in frustration. Sally's reaction: "Is that it? I always thought the Christmas story was longer than that."
  • The Sunday strip where Linus, midway through making himself a bowl of cereal, gets a phone call from someone who's apparently doing all the talking. As the conversation commences (with Linus saying "Uh-huh...uh-huh, yeah, sure") he strains his eyes towards the kitchen table, looking increasingly (and hilariously) uncomfortable and frantic, until finally he shouts, "MY COLD CEREAL IS GETTING SOGGY!" The last panel shows Charlie Brown, holding the phone and looking completely dumbfounded.
  • A storyline where Linus is at camp occasionally switches back to Lucy, who is both shocked to find that she misses her little brother and irritated that Linus only seems to be writing to Charlie Brown. Then, Linus sends her a birch-bark canoe, and she's deeply touched:

Lucy: Sometimes I think I don't deserve a nice brother like Linus...
Charlie Brown: I have often thought the same thing.
[Final panel depicts Lucy writing a letter: "Dear Linus, please send me another canoe. The first one broke when I threw it at Charlie Brown."]

  • In a Sunday strip, Linus has to draw a picture of a family member for a class assignment - he's drawing Lucy's face, finished except the mouth, when she sees him at work. He decides it's a good time to stop, but she insists that he draw in the mouth - he nervously draws it in a wide open shout. She slugs him, and he lies there commenting "It's hard to draw well when your hand is shaking!"
  • Any of the Funny Background Events in Happiness Is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown. Top prize goes to Charlie Brown trying to make a house of cards.
  • Snoopy does battle with a lawn chair. The lawn chair wins... kinda.
  • Charlie Brown drops a fantastic snark on Linus after Linus costs them both the school election. Here's the backstory, and here's the punchline. Especially funny because it's so contrary to Charlie Brown's usual resigned acceptance of failure. Also a moment of Awesome and/or Heartwarming for Charlie Brown, if you find those things in seeing the ol' blockhead stand up for himself.
  • In this early Sunday strip, Linus, standing outside school grounds, demands to be educated and promptly gets his first lesson.
  • Lucy getting licked by Snoopy in A Charlie Brown Christmas: "AAUGH! I've been kissed by a dog! I have dog germs! Get hot water! Get some disinfectant! Get some iodine!"
    • The scene where Lucy asks Schroeder to play "Jingle Bells." He tries several variations (jazz, pipe organ), only to have Lucy interrupt, "No, no, I mean "Jingle Bells"!" Finally, in frustration, he gives a one-handed "plink plink plink, plink plink plink" performance (probably the only time his toy piano actually sounded like one). Lucy: THAT'S IT!!!!
    • I can think of lots of funny Peanuts moments- Peppermint Patty finding out that she graduated from a dog school in A Charlie Brown Celebration, Snoopy deflating the wheel on the umpire's chair and getting thrown out of Wimbledon in Bon Voyage Charlie Brown, Marcie getting her foot caught in a ball washer at a golf course because she thought it was a "shoe washer" in It's an Adventure Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty thinking that a butterfly that landed on her nose turned into an angel and flew away and calling a call-in radio show to talk about it and having the host say "Sorry folks, just another nut calling in" (also from It's an Adventure Charlie Brown), Linus designing a video game and having the villain resemble Lucy and Lucy's reaction when she sees it from an episode of The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show, Lucy watching Linus draw a picture of her for a school project and wanting him to "put in the mouth" but Linus is reluctant because he is planning to draw her a huge mouth and Lucy's reaction when she sees it from another episode, Snoopy and a bear both scaring each other in Race for Your Life Charlie Brown, and Charlie Brown getting into a motorcycle accident and accidentally getting sent to a vets office in You're a Good Sport Charlie Brown.