Of all things, there's a Peanuts cartoon that's pretty freaky, despite it being All Just a Dream. Basically, Charlie Brown decides to fly Snoopy like a kite. It all starts funnily enough, as the wind under Snoopy's flapping ears lifts him higher and higher. To Charlie's initial delight, until he suddenly reacts with a horrified "NO! Oh, NO!!!!" And Snoopy plummets from the sky, impacts with the ground, and smashes (albeit bloodlessly) into fragments like a dropped vase. Cue a terrified Snoopy waking up in a cold sweat: "Man! I've GOT to stop eating those 30-inch pizzas before bedtime!"
Date of the strip, please. I tried looking for "Kite" and "Dream" in the back of every The Complete Peanuts book the bookstore had, and found nothing.
Sorry, but I can't help with the date. It was in one of the Coronet reprint volumes issued in the UK: I think that it must have been quite early on, as the Snoopy depicted was partway between his original quadripedal self and the present-day version.
What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown!: Snoopy is abused and starved, becomes evil, and then dies getting pulled into a frozen lake, screaming and clawing for his life. One could argue that this was inappropriate for the Peanuts specials' target audience.