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  • At the end of episode 5, Finch's line:

 "Try the Eggs Benedict, Mr. Reese. I've had them many times."

    • To put this in context, Finch is obsessed with concealing personal information about himself from everyone, including Reese. At the beginning of the episode he refuses to recommend anything on the menu of that diner because if Reese knows that Finch has a favorite meal there, it means that he's eaten there multiple times, which implies that he lives close enough to that diner to make it a practical place for him to have breakfast, giving Reese a point of data to figure out where Finch lives.
  • At the end of episode 10, the dialogue between Resse and Finch:

 Reese: I wanted to say thank you, Harold, for giving me a second chance.

Finch: It's not over, John. I'm close, just get to the ground floor.

Reese: No, You stay away. Don't even risk it.

  • Finch's occasional usage of his wealth to resolve problems totally unrelated to what the Machine is predicting.
    • For instance, after one week's POI, an unemployed construction worker, is out of danger (But still unemployed and near bankruptcy), Finch casually mentions to Reese that he owns a construction company that needs a new foreman on a big project the company just landed.
    • Finch sees to it that the magazines he owns give his fiancee Grace steady work as a freelance illustrator.
  • Harold gets doped up on ecstasy and is in a state where he would probably answer any of the questions about his background that Reese might want to ask. Reese takes him back to his library/computer center to sleep it off without asking a single question.
  • In "Many Happy Returns", Finch gives Reese a key as a birthday present. We learn at the end of the episode that it's the key to a brand-new apartment over-looking the park that Reese plays chess at.
    • Which incidentally implies that Finch's statement earlier in the episode that he doesn't keep track of what Reese does in his free time was a blatant lie.