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Early prediction for Persona 5[]
Making rough summaries here:
- The first installment sets up the basic nature of the series, and seems to have a picked up a certain So Bad It's Good quality about it.
- The second installment expands upon the mysterious force responsible for the powers of the first installment's villain, along with throwing some Nazis and Mayan architecture in there.
- The third installment is the most recognisable of the series and the one that gave it most of its fame. It also introduces a lot of new elements and seems to provide a formula for plot progression used by later installments in the series. Its climax also heavily features the use of The World.
- The fourth installment is a small-town muder mystery notorious for its use of Disc One Final Boss and for introducing a new way of obtaining the Fighting Spirits heavily featured in the series.
Adding all this up, I predict that Persona 5 will either focus around the child of an old villain in the series, have the mafia play an important role (Yakuza maybe if we're keeping this Japan-centric), feature a villain trying to be forgotten by existence, or some combination of these.
- Maybe the Internet or computers will play as a theme; probably by digitizing minds to explore dungeons a la matrix style (Hooking up to a chair). It would make a lot more sense since in 3, the dark hour prevented people from seeing the fights and in 4, the battles took place in another world that was connected through televisions.
The main characters' personae will be based on Norse mythology.[]
Greek mythology>Japanese folklore>??? Norse mythology seems most likely.
- Then Loki might be the final or penultimate boss. Ragnarok might be too, though it's more of an event. Maybe it could be a metapyschical being who manifests it self through lower Shadows. I can image a ship being the velvet room for this maybe. Also one character can fight with hammers and their Persona could be Thor (NOT THE COMIC BOOK!!!!). I hope this game would be rated T if they do Norse, cause it's me favorite mythology!
The main character's personae will be based on urban legends.[]
Think. If in Persona 2 had Urban Legends acting as threats towards the main characters, maybe Persona 5 will have them aiding the main characters: if so, the Personae could include the Boogeyman, Bloody Mary, Jack the Ripper...maybe even Slenderman.
- Jack the Ripper has been referenced in Shin Megami Tensei II and a spinoff featuring the three Jack Brothers - the serial killer being the widely unknown third sibling of Pyro Jack and Jack Frost, the series' mainstay mascot.
- If this were true, the main characters would have different Arcana: instead of Fool,Magician, Priestess, Empress, and Chariot, it would be Fool, Hermit, Strength, Death, Devil and Tower.
- They might since alot of the other games have rumors/urban legends in them, red room maybe? I think they would use urban legends and combine them with mythology, like Bloody Mary is really a shadow who feeds off humans craving for chaos and death. I think that would be cool.
There will be a character whos personae is based on Hinduism.[]
With a transfer girl from India who's initial persona is Sati and true persona is Parvati. Her conflict is the constant fights with her dad all the time and you can establish a Social Link with her father whos Arcana is the Tower, and finishing it will let you make Shiva.
There will be a Shout-Out to Catherine[]
Inevitable really.
One of the characters will be a skateboarder[]
Think about: Persona 3: Mitsuru's scooter. Persona 4: Yosuke's bike. Persona 5: The Lancer or the Smart Guy has a skateboard.
Chinese themed[]
Either inspired by Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West or the Water Margin.
- Oh man, This troper hopes that's true, even more so that means we might get Personae based on Journey to the West, specifically Sun Wukong/Son Goku or a social link because Everything's Better with Monkeys
This game would also have a sad/bittersweet ending like the other Persona games except for the first one[]
The Main character will be a trouble making high schooler.[]
- The main character got sent to detention. And one nap, he's sent into the Velvet Room and is informed about an upcoming event.
- OR, The main character will be a foreign exchange student from America: He nods off on the plane ride to Japan, and enters the Velvet Room during the flight.
The soundtrack's musical style is....[]
- ...most likely more rock-centric. Think: P3 was J-pop and P4 was rock with some jazzy undertones. P5 will probably have a punk-rockish soundtrack, with influences from Bowling For Soup and pre-Warning Green Day for its school segments, while the battle segments will be inspired by post-American Idiot Green Day, Bad Religion, and Rise Against
- Or! It'll be back to Jpop and Jazz with the obligatory rap song thrown in! I say this because Meguro has probably gotten the rock out of his system with the Persona PSP games and it seems like a natural progression from P3/4 Spiritual Successor Catherine
- Or Kenji Ito will collaborate with Meguro given the success of Devil Survivor 2, or Meguro will choose techno as the new style, perhaps to reflect a futuristic theme.
Persona 5 will be a sequel to Persona 4's Good Ending[]
The True Ending wasn't really canon, but served as a Sequel Hook to tell us that Izanami would be the Big Bad of the next game as well.
This game will use a fraction of Catherine's graphic engine[]
- And it will still look fabulous.
The next Velvet Room will be on a train[]
- If we continue with moving vehicles, plus a train in P4 was where the story began and ended.
- Or prehaps a horse-drawn carriage.
This game will end the story arc that begun with Persona 3[]
- Minato sealing Nyx at the end of Persona 3 was the reason for Elizabeth exiting the Velvet Room, searching for a way to release him without releasing Nyx in full power. In Persona 4, we learn that Margaret with probably leave the Velvet Room to search for a meaning to her life, and it will probably be "help her little sister out". Izanami and Nyx both wanted almost the same thing, but Izanami could be defeated. This implies that, if Izanami was not a goddess (if she were, she wouldn't have lost a battle against teenagers) she was another personification of human's desire. While Nyx was the desire to let death come and do nothing about it, Izanami was the desire to act, to go towards death. It's the difference between wanting something and wishing something: You can wish for something all your life and never take action, letting it come (Like the Apathy Syndrome, letting death come eventually, doing nothing to avoid it) but if you WANT something, you do something to get it (like creating the Midnight Channel, choosing people, testing out humanity and finally making everyone become Shadows, not just "zero" them with Apathy Syndrome.). With Izanami dead, Nyx is not so powerfull anymore. She's just the wish part of a whole. Persona 5's Good Ending boss will be the last personification of such a wish, and the True Ending will let the player and other characters from the other games (Like Aigis, Souji Seta, Elizabeth, Margaret, Theo, etc) fight-off Nyx to finally release Minato and kill once and for all humanity's wish to die.
There will be mechanics in place that let you customize your gameplay experience even more than the last games.[]
In particular, things like the player's birth date, gender, and other specifics will be taken into account and make subtle (or blatant) changes to the game. For example, the player's birthday will be used to determine the MC's birthday, which will have an event that goes along with it. Specific story events that may interfere with this will shift around to accommodate this. Social Links will also be affected by this by giving birthday gifts to the MC if they're past a certain rank, with the best gift given when the S. Link is maxed out. The Velvet Room could play into this as well, giving an S. Link-type EXP bonus to Persona fusion. There may also be gameplay changes, from faster EXP gain on the player's birthday to special enemy encounters that can only occur on that day. All of this will, of course, be based on the in-game calender to prevent exploiting the system time for constant bonuses.
This is not just a cool mock-up made by a talented and obsessive fan but the actual soundtrack delivered via time-traveler.[]
Probably as part of a hilariously convoluted Plan
- Alternatively, ATLUS will hear this and base their official soundtrack around it.
- Or, even better, they'll do that, but it's still the soundtrack from the future, creating a musical Grandfather Paradox.
- Or...maybe ATLUS itself made it and posted it under a different channel. just to troll with us.
This game will have call backs to all the previous games[]
It will have Philemon make an appearance at least as a butterfly maybe have a reference to the Nanjo group or maybe the original main hero Naoya Toudou
- Yuu will show up for a cameo or maybe he will be a temporary party member ALA persona 2 with yukino
- All four previous mains will be bonus bosses
The Bonus Boss will be Igor himself[]
In Persona 3, The MC fought Elizabeth/Theo. In P4, the Protagonist fought Margaret. In P2, the party fought Philemon. Igor is the only one that's left. I'm guessing he'll use souped-up versions of Orpheus, Izanagi, the initial Persona of the P5 hero, and maybe even Messiah and Thanatos.
- Highly doubt it would happen since Igor's Japanese VA died, unless they find another to replace him.
Assuming this youtube channel with a bunch of Persona 5 music is legit...[]
- The game may be Deliberately Monochrome, or at least incorporate a lot of chiarascuro.
- This will be the fight theme, at least in the Japanese version.
- The protagonist is a white male with short, maybe brown, hair.
- One of the characters will be a girl with neck-length brown/red hair and a school uniform of some sort, and she will be either a Distressed Damsel or an antagonist.
- There will be some sort of reference to Persona 4, as well as Persona 3.
- One of the dungeons will be a school.
- Another will be a carnival or festival featuring a haunted house and a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edc C 2 um LH_s&feature=plcp hall of mirrors]].
- Yet another dungeon will be based off an arcade.
- Judging by the background image of this song, The Reaper from Persona 3 will be making another cameo.
- There will be a character named Marie.
- There will be a Butterfly of Death and Rebirth involved with the plot.
- Shadow characters will be returning.
- Junes will be present.
- You will use mirrors to enter the Dark World.
- There will be a Teddie cameo.
- The evokers from Persona 3 will return.
Tatsuya Suou or Naoya Toudou will be the Mc's father[]
- This Naoya scenario:If Naoya married Eriko Kirishima both parents will have taught their kid how to fight and will still be able to use their personae the may even join early on giving your party A Taste of Power but will be taken out possibly do to either transferring they're power to their kid or getting injured at major interval setting up the villain its basically the same with Maki aswell
Scenario Tatsuya: Tatsuya will be a detective he will have trained the Mc in self defense with a sword a little into the game he may join the party having accidentally re-awoke his persona most likely Vulcanus rather than Apollo he will fight with the party as a guest star party member for a few missions until someone from the velvet room performs an intervention to stop him and reseal or transfer his power to someone else so as not to get Nyarlathotep involved again his personae Vulcanus and Apollo will become the mc's A few side bits if he married Jun the Mc will be an adopted child if he married Lisa the Mc will have the option of answering some statements in Cantonese There is a chance both options just married a random person if so the scenarios remain the same