- From Q-In-Law, Lwauxana's Roaring Rampage of Revenge against Q after she finds out he was only pretending to love her. Getting blasted through a bulkhead was just the beginning...
- PAD's Amazing Spider-Man storyThe Commuter Cometh! is an issue-long CMOF, especially once Spidey gets to the suburbs, and Finagle's Law kicks in.
- Personally, I busted a gut at the issue before, where The Toad, Frog Man, and The Spectacular Spider-Kid all vie to be Spidey's sidekick and end up teaming up as a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits called (appropriately enough) The Misfits. Even the title is a hoot-n-a-half Shout-Out to Rocky and Bullwinkle — "Leap for My Heart (or Spring Is In the Air)."
- He aided Jewel Staite in winning her "bird war" with Nathan Fillion by coordinating an entire audience gathered for a Firefly panel at DragonCon to simultaneously flip Nathan off on his cue.