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Peter Pan (the original play)[]

  • On opening night of the original play, the actress playing Peter questioned what she would do if, during the Clap If You Believe scene, the audience refused to clap. It was suggested that, should it come to that, the orchestra would provide the clapping. They needn't have worried - when that scene came, the entire audience erupted into a standing ovation, bringing the actress to genuine tears as Tinker Bell was revived.

Peter Pan (Disney animated film)[]

  • After Tinker Bell (who has been jealous of Peter and Wendy the whole movie) risks her life to save Peter from the bomb:

 Peter: Don't go out! Don't you understand, Tink? You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!

    • And even as she's fading away, Tinker Bell uses the last of her strength to tell Peter Pan that Wendy and her brothers are in danger.
  • Don't forget the end, with the family all watching the golden cloud-ship through the window, and Mr. Darling mentions having seen that ship before, a long time ago, when he was very young.
  • In the second movie, when Peter sees Wendy again.

Peter Pan (live-action film)[]

  • Mrs. Darling's explanation of bravery to her children concerning their father.
  • At the climax, when Hook has left Peter lying on the deck almost beaten, Wendy asks if she can give him a "thimble" and then whispers to Peter, "this belongs to you, and always will" and kisses him. This of course sets off a Crowning Moment of Awesome for Peter.
  • At the end the children have come home and the father is restraining himself before letting go and showing how happy he is that the children are home. Also Slightly comes late to the house to find that the other Lost Boys have already been "adopted" by the Darlings. Aunt Millicent then gets some fairy dust blown at her by Tinker Bell.

 Aunt Millicent: Is your name Slightly?

Slightly: (slightly confused) Yes.

Aunt Millicent: Then I am your mother.

Slightly: How did you know?

Aunt Millicent: I feel it in my bones.

  • The "I do believe in fairies" chant doubles as this and a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • Plus, Tink sticking out her tongue at Peter when she comes back to life. It really shows how close the two are, in This Troper's opinion.