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Disney's Peter Pan provides examples of:[]

  • Cross-Dressing Voices: Averted. In both movies, Peter is voiced by males: Bobby Driscoll in the first movie and Blayne Weaver in Return to Neverland. In fact, the Disney version was the first one to have a male play Peter's part rather than a female.
  • Development Hell: This was intended to be Disney's second theatrical film, but Walt didn't get the rights to it until 1939, when J.M. Barrie bequeathed the ones to his play to him. Then, he began developing the story and character designs, and intended it to be his fourth film. However, the onset of World War II put the brakes on this — along with several other films — and it became Disney's fourteenth entry in 1953. This also resulted in the movie appearing as an Early-Bird Cameo along with Alice in Wonderland as a storybook on the shelf at the very beginning of Pinocchio.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Wendy is voiced by the same girl who voiced Alice in Disney's version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
  • What Could Have Been: The original version of the film was much, MUCH darker.

The 2003 film version provides examples of:[]