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  • Banned in Australia: Regina's death made so, although the rape scene, the other deaths and the violence more than likely had a hand in it.
  • Development Gag: During the installation of the game, a folder under the name "SCARY" is created, referencing the original title of the game, mentioned below.
  • Development Hell: The game took three years to make, the filming itself taking three months. Williams initially came up with the concept in 1992, under the name Scary Tales, with a basic outline of what would be Phantasmagoria's plot, including a female protagonist, a magician and illusions. After researching some horror films and novels, she, along with Sierra art director Andy Hoyos, beefed the script to 253 pages.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: The man who plays Malcolm voiced the Sultan in Disney's Aladdin. Good luck unhearing it.
    • As if he's not messed up already, he's being attended too by Mother Superior from Silent Night, Deadly Night.
  • What Could Have Been: Poking around in the game's audio files reveals hints from the Hintkeeper (the skull in the HUD) during the final chase scene were recorded, but ultimately went unused due to the frantic nature of the scene.