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  • Complete Monster: The Demon averts the tendencies of brutish, unintelligent monsters to not be this.
  • Narm: The acting and writing are very hit-and-miss. Your Mileage May Vary very greatly when it comes to this game.
    • Most notable during the end of Chapter 6 through Chapter 7, where Don completely snaps and starts giggling like a lunatic. It somehow manages to utterly fail at being intimidating.
  • Special Effects Failure: Don wearing Harriet's bloody scalp would be considerably more disturbing if it weren't so obviously just some generic cheap curly grandma wig.
  • That One Level: The last chapter, Chapter 7. It's understandable in the context of the plot, but for a point-and-click adventure game that was pretty straightforward, especially by the standards of the time, it can be a sudden jump in difficulty particularly for those new to the genre. Not taking certain paths and actions in previous chapters that weren't mandatory for finishing those chapters can keep you from taking on arguably more obvious or at least more heavily foreshadowed solutions here (i.e. it's easy to miss that you have to get the crucifix from the antique store owner before you start Chapter 7, largely because the game won't let you keep a needed item in your inventory until a certain time). Plus, most of all, it's the first time you can get yourself killed.