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Phantasy Star[]
Alisa (or Alyssa)/Alis Landale[]
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Kill It with Fire: The "Fire" spell
- Magic Knight
- Spell My Name with an "S": Fans are torn whether her Japanese name is Alisa or Alyssa.
- Warp Whistle: The "Fly" spell, which transports the party to the last church visited. This works across planets.
- You Killed My Brother
- Magic Knight: Not as traditional as Alis, but Myau hits hard up until the end game, and even then he's not too bad.
- Non-Human Sidekick: One of the Palman musk cats.
- Punny Name: Yep, that's a cat's meow he's named for.
- Talking Animal
- Team Pet
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: When fed a certain type of nut.
- White Mage: All of Myau's magic is healing, stat buffing, or effects the area (disarm traps, open doors, etc.).
Tylon (or Tyrone)/Odin[]
- An Axe to Grind: He's the only character that can use axes and one is his most powerful weapon.
- Mighty Glacier
- Only One Name
- Spell My Name with an "S": Like Alis, fans can't decide if his Japanese name is Tylon or Tyrone.
- Superhero Packing Heat: Odin is the only character who can use guns which compensates for the fact he can't use magic.
- What an Idiot!: While Odin had the foresight to hunt Medusa with a medicine that cures petrification, he gave it to a creature incapable of opening the bottle!
- Blow You Away: The "Wind" spell
- Dub Name Change: Different from Alis and Odin in that Lutz would have fit the four-character name limit.
- Kill It with Fire: He also has the "Fire" spell.
- Red Mage: He has the "Cure" spell, though he can't use it in battle. He's also the only character that learns "Rise".
- She's a Man In Japan: The sufferer of a famous inconsistency in pronouns in the translation, but he's supposed to be a man everywhere.
- Shock and Awe: The "Thunder" spell
- Squishy Wizard
Phantasy Star II[]
An agent of the Motavian government, operating out of the capital city of Paseo.
- Fanon: Often given the surname "Landale", but it's not explicitly canon.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Though he can also used knives and low-caliber guns.
- Magic Knight
- Parental Abandonment: Lost both of his parents when he was 10.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
A genetic experiment who was found by Rolf when she was very young.
- Cast From Hit Points: Two of her four techniques sacrifice her life to heal party members.
- Crutch Character: Nei levels twice as fast as anyone else, but only learns a handful of techniques compared to the others.
- Cute Monster Girl
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Easily the most recognizable character in the entire Phantasy Star series.
- Fragile Speedster: Her defensive equipment sucks, but she'll almost always strike first, plus she's made for Dual-Wielding.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Meaningful Name: According to in-game text, Nei means "the human that is not human."
- Plotline Death: Years before FinalFantasyVII made it popular
- Required Party Member: Up to and including Climatrol.
- Wolverine Claws: Oddly refered to as bars in the localization.
Rudolf "Rudo" Steiner[]
A Bounty Hunter who fights Biomonsters to avenge his wife and daughter.
- The Gunslinger: All of his best weapons are firearms.
- Mighty Glacier: He's an Expy of Odin, after all.
Amy Sage[]
A doctor hailing from Oputa.
Hugh Thompson[]
A biologist who accompanies Rolf to help end the Biomonster threat.
- Squishy Wizard: Moreso than any other character in the game. His best armor is the Ceramic Chest, for crying out loud.
- Tactical Rock-Paper-Scissors: Specializes in destroying organic enemies.
- Useless Useful Spell: Has a lot of status debuffs that don't really help much.
Anna Zirski[]
Another Bounty Hunter, but instead of Biomonsters, she specializes in hunting people.
- Lady of War: Fights exclusively with whips and slashers.
- The Quiet One
Josh Kain[]
A man who wanted to be a mechanic, but always ended up trashing whatever he was trying to repair.
- Last-Name Basis: "Kain" is his default name.
- Tactical Rock-Paper-Scissors: Specializes in destroying mechanical enemies.
- Walking Techbane: The basis for his expertise in robot-affecting techniques. His job is even listed as "Wrecker".
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Shir Gold[]
A thief who joins Rolf sheerly for the thrill of it.
- Blow You Away: Specializes in the Zan techniques.
- Fragile Speedster: Even more than Nei.
- Gravity Master: Specializes in the Gra techniques, and is notably the only character to learn Nagra.
- Knife Nut
- Punny Name: "Sure gold", or easy money.
- Sticky Fingers
- Artificial Human
- Climax Boss
- Disc One Final Boss
- Evil Twin
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Hero-Killer
- Meaningful Name: According to in-game text, Nei means "the human that is not human."
- Monster Lord
- Psycho Prototype
- Wolverine Claws
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
Mother Brain[]
Phantasy Star III[]
Phantasy Star IV[]
Alys Brangwin[]
- Bruiser with a Soft Center
- Crutch Character: Alys is much more powerful than the other early game characters at first, but even leaving aside the fact that you lose her after her Plotline Death, her growth curve is such that other characters quickly catch up if you level grind.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Decoy Protagonist: Considering how similar her name is to the protagonist of the first game, you'd think she was the main character, wouldn't you? Beside, she's usually swapped into the first character slot when she joins and acts like a leader.
- Plotline Death
- Precision-Guided Boomerang
- Red Baron: She's known as 'Alys the Eight Stroke Sword', or in the original Japanese, the much more awkward 'Rip-Their-Guts-Out Lyla'.
Chaz Ashley[]
Hahn Mahlay[]
- Butt Monkey: He falls for Alys' extortion schemes quite often.
- Knife Nut
- Squishy Wizard
Rune Walsh[]
- Badass Long Hair
- Carry a Big Stick
- Crutch Character: When he first joins the party, he's usually ten levels stronger than your highest-leveled character (unless you did some level grinding). This also applies when he rejoins the party, though it's not as pronounced.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Guest Star Party Member: The first time he joins the party. Midway through the game he comes back as a more permanent fixture.
- Squishy Wizard
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Combat Medic
- Cute Monster Girl
- Wolverine Claws
- Younger Than They Look: She's only a year old!
- Older Than They Look: She's 324.
- Robot Girl
- The Gunslinger
- Legacy Character: Of the Phantasy Star III cyborg, of course.
- The Spock
Kyra Tierney[]
- The Antichrist
- Barrier Warrior: His signature technique is the Magic Barrier, which makes him effectively invincible until it's dispelled.
- Black Blood: It's even the name of his appearance music!
- Black Mage
- Dark Is Evil
- Dark Messiah
- Disc One Final Boss
- Evil Sorceror
- Fantastic Racism: Towards Motavians, apparently.
- Hero-Killer
- Hopeless Boss Fight: There's no way to win the first encounter with him.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Red and Black and Evil All Over
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Religion of Evil
- Shoulders of Doom
- Sinister Minister