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Characters from Nippon Ichi's Phantom Brave.

Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi (JP), Sandy Fox (EN) |
Primary main character. Marona is a young girl who lives on an island by herself in Ivoire. She is a Chroma, a character with strange magical powers (hers allow her to talk to spirits, and bring them to life by possessing inanimate objects). Because of this, she is feared (and very often discriminated against) by everyone on the mainland.
- All of the Other Reindeer
- Apologetic Attacker: as evident in Another Marona side-story, which really fits her Nice Girl and Technical Pacifist personality.
Ash (after Sulphur's phantoms appearing over the possessed humans): I've seen them before! |
- Army of the Dead
- A-Cup Angst: A more subtle example, she does get pissed when Myao states that she's flat-chest. Cue Out-of-Character Moment.
- Bad Powers, Good People
- Broken Bird / Break the Cutie: she did almost have signs of this, but her cheerful optimism still puts her together.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Colorful Theme Naming: Her name in the Japanese version, Marrone, is Italian for "Maroon".
- Combat Medic: Although she can heal quite well, she levels up with space/time magic faster.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dead All Along: In "Another Marona".
- Easily Forgiven: Inverted Trope. She is one of the most forgiving characters, even after dealing with everyone treating her as shit.
- Expy: Of Flonne in some sense. Nice Girl and cheerful optimistic personality? Checked. Cuteness appeal that put people into squeegasms? Checked. Magic-based healing character? Checked. Out of Character moments when being called flat-chested? Checked. Having the same English voice actor who is typecast into these kinds of characters? Checkmate.
- Hand Behind Head: When embarrassed.
- Hero with Bad Publicity
- Kid Hero
- The Heart
- Idiot Hair: two of them to be exact, fitting into her cheerful personality.
- I See Dead People: And can temporarily give them corporeal form.
- Instant Fanclub: Marona gains one after winning Cauldron's respect.
- The Medic / The Messiah
- Morality Pet: served this role with Carona in the Another Marona storyline.
- Necromancer
- Nice Girl: So. Very. Much.
- The Pollyanna: and HOW!
- Powers Via Possession
- Pettanko
- Red Oni: to Ash's and Carona's blue.
- Squishy Wizard: statistically wise, she's have good magic ability, her physical attacks and health growth is very terrible. Subverted that it is possible to make her a powerhouse with proper item customization.
- Survival Mantra: "One day...everyone will come to like you," if you treat them with kindness. Apparently, she's right.
- Tareme Eyes
- Technical Pacifist: she really hates violence, but is willing to summon phantoms to kick your ass if she needs to protect the people she cares about or if you call her flat-chested.
- Token Mini-Moe
- White Magician Girl: Her weapon of choice and stats make her an excellent healer, and her personality fits, but you can make her a Black Mage, instead.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: the idealism favored her at the end.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Green hair.
- Zettai Ryouiki

Voiced by: Hiro Shimono (JP), Lex Lang (EN) |
Secondary main character. Ash is Marona's spiritual guardian and one of her closest friends. Before his death, he used to fight alongside Marona's parents as a Chroma. He can occasionally move in and out of his intangible state whenever he needs to talk to someone.
- Big Brother Instinct
- Catch Phrase / In the Name of the Moon: "You'll go no further! For her sake, I will not fail!"
- Deadpan Snarker: Although a very subtle example
- Dead to Begin With
- Expy: To Laharl in some degree. Their trademark weapon is a sword (which is subverted judging by the gameplay mechanics), they wear a badass scarf, both make certain snarky and sarcastic comments at times, and similar hair styles. Series artist Takehito Harada is well aware of this as one of the promotional illustrations shows Ash with his arms folded with antenna hair and a perpetual frown.
- Face Palm
- Heroes Prefer Swords: He can use any weapon, but swords are weapons he can level up fastest with.
- Idiot Hair
- Intangible Man
- The Ishmael
- Lightning Bruiser: Ash's special ability allows him to take action right after being summoned, and on his last turn (and only his last turn), his attack power is doubled.
- Nice Guy
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Too Many Belts: One in each arm and foot.
- You Shall Not Pass: His declaration before battle.
Walnut (a.k.a. Faded, Castile's older brother)[]

Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi (JP), Steve Blum (EN; Vic Mignogna in the remake's "Another Marona" bonus story) |
Walnut is a bounty hunter. He possesses the powers of a Chroma, but is employed as a Chroma Oxide, one who steals the bounties of other Chromas by either defeating the monster assigned to them, or defeating the Chroma outright. He appears again in Soul Nomad and The World Eaters under the name Endorph.
- Bounty Hunter
- Enemy Mine: teamed up with Ash and Marona against Sulphur's minions briefly to save his little sister, Castile.
- Jerkass/Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Kill Steal: Part of his job description.
- Ineffectual Loner: he never had any friends in his childhood life and present. The only friend he had is Persimmon, who gives him the latest news along with job offers. Also, pissing off Cauldron didn't made things any better for him.
- Not Quite Dead: See Soul Nomad and The World Eaters
- One-Man Army/Lightning Bruiser: The gameplay style of Walnut (due to his high strength and HP growth). To elaborate, when you first meet him, he is capable of taking out most of Sulphur's minions all by himself. You also meet him again as an ally fighting against Sulphur's minions when saving Castile. Though being said, it's more appropriate to kill him off during battle and take all the kills by yourself. It also fits his loner personality as well.
- Parental Abandonment Originally an orphan named Faded, but left his adoptive family so that he wouldn't burden them.
- Playing with Fire: His Psycho Burgundy attack lights his soul on fire. His little sister Castile has the same attack as well.
- The Other Darrin: In the English dub, due to union issues, Vic Mignogna plays Walnut in Another Marona alternate storyline.
- The Rival to Marona and Ash
- The Social Darwinist
- Too Many Belts

Voiced by: Lara Jill Miller (EN) |
Castile is a young girl who lives on the mainland. She is very ill and unable to walk, but she helps ease her pain by writing letters. Through this, she becomes Marona's first human friend. She is also Walnut's younger sister, and the money he makes from his work is mainly being funded to find a cure for her illness.
- Badass Adorable: Her Makai Kingdom appearance
- Curtains Match the Window
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Her room is filled with them.
- Hidden Buxom: Not so apparent because of her nightgown, but yeah.
- Ill Girl : For most of the story. By the ending she's up and able to walk again. This leads into her cameo in Makai Kingdom and may possibly show her training with Marona in We Meet Again.
- Littlest Cancer Patient
- Playing with Fire: like her brother, she has the Psycho Burgundy ability.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: In her cameo in Makai Kingdom and PSP version of Phantom Brave.

Voiced By: David Lodge (EN) |
An 85 year old man whose family was slain by Sulphur's hand many years before the game's main storyline. He has sworn to kill Sulphur and avenge his family, and has turned to the use of dark powers in order to achieve his revenge, despite once being the wielder of a holy sword. He is the former mentor of Raphael, and one of the warriors known as the 9 Swords of Ivoire, and is considered by most in the world to be the strongest. His signature technique is the power Dark Eboreus.
- Anti-Hero (Type IV)
- Badass Grandpa: Literally, he was a grandfather before Sulphur killed his family.
- Crusading Widower
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Dumb Muscle: When he's not seeking revenge on Sulphur, he shows signs of this. Especially apparent in Another Marona.
- Demonic Possession
- Fallen Hero
- Heroic Sacrifice/ Death Equals Redemption.
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Mighty Glacier
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Revenge: His goal in his life is revenge against Sulphur for the death of his family. So much so that Sulphur manages to take control of his body and feeding on his hatred before Sprout performs his Heroic Sacrifice.

Voiced By: Crispin Freeman (EN; Patrick Seitz in "Another Marona" story) |
One of the Nine Swords and leader of the White Wolf Army and the wielder of the Heliotrope blade. He was impersonated by Bijou, one of the local werewolves in Ivoire through Sulphur's Demonic Possession, terrorizing the local islands. Luckily, Marona and Ash has dealt with the impersonater, twice (second time with Raphael's help.
- Badass
- Bishonen
- Demonic Possession: briefly
- Gradual Regeneration/ Lightning Bruiser: gameplay wise, he's basically an improved version of the Knight class, which has the ability to regenerate health overtime.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Heliotrope
- Hopeless Boss Fight: when you first battle him at Island of Evil, you're not suppose to win in the fight against him. However, with "failure" dungeons, it is possible to beat him when you first meet as well as getting is his sword up to three times.
- Instant Fanclub: It is revealed in "Another Marona" story that he has a large dedicated fanclub to him. Luckily, the Raphael in Carona's world wasn't aware of this is well.
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Light Is Good
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- The Other Darrin: Like Walnut, Raphael is voiced by a different person in "Another Marona" story due to union issues.
- Older Than They Look: He was around the time of Sulphur's chaotic destruction 30 years ago, yet he doesn't any older than 50 years old. This is mentioned by Marona during the "Another Story" arch.
Sienna Scarlet the Brave[]
Voiced by: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (EN) |

Owner of the Bottlemail Industry in Clutter Haven along with her scrabbit colleague, Murasaki. Marona pays her rent on Phantom Isle before she decided to give Marona full ownership of the island. She's actually the legendary Scarlet the Brave, a Brave who have defeated Sulphur 30 years ago, but injured her leg then. Because of this, she established a new identity as Sienna and ran the Bottlemail Industry to get information across Ivoire.
- Badass/Handicapped Badass
- Cassandra Truth: She tried to rally some of the island elders to fight against Sulphur and with Marona's plan, but they scoff it off because they are expecting Scarlet the Brave to be a strong man and not a woman with a broken leg.
- Hidden Purpose Test/ Secret Test of Character: Highly implied. When Marona accumulated enough bordeaux to buy Phantom Isle from Sienna, she declined the money offer and instead send her to the Isle of Evil to retrieve the Rainbow Bird (along with the Fighting Ravens). At the end of the episode, it was revealed that Sienna actually owned the Rainbow Bird from the beginning and she intentionally set it free so she can learn more about Marona as a person (the Rainbow Bird escaping was most likely the reason for Sienna to give Marona full ownership of Phantom Isle, as she expected her to release the Rainbow Bird or give it to someone else rather than giving the bird directly to her. And besides, the bird escaped from its cage because Marona, being the nicest girl in Ivoire, decided to give up the ownership of the Rainbow Bird to Walnut after beating his ass along with reviving him, feeling that Walnut deserves the bird for a certain reason).
- Interspecies Romance: With an Owlman, who was killed by Sulphur. His death caused Sienna to (nearly) seek the path of darkness similar to Sprout. Fortunately enough, Marona and Ash was send back to time and prevent her from doing that, thus somewhat creating a time paradox. Oh yeah, the owlman's spirit thanked Marona and Ash for getting her out of the path to darkness.
- Lady of War: With an English voice actor to fit appropriately here.
- Nice Woman: In fact, she is one of the few adults in the game that didn't discriminate Marona for her ability.
- Playing with Fire: She has the Psycho Burgundy ability
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Scarlet The Brave is a girl!
- Tomboy: "I'm used to be quite the tomboy, but I'm hardly a man".
- Yamato Nadeshiko

Carona without her cape
Introduced in "Another Marona", Carona is Marona from another dimension where Ash was never revived as a phantom. As a result, she was exposed to the full hatred of Ivoire and was forced to take care of herself as a Chroma Oxide. She was sent by God Eryngi to help Marona and the other heroes to fight against Sulphur within 10 days. In reality, she was trying free her world from the clutches of God Eryngi, who is really the Merchant of Death.
- Alternative Dimension Marona is Awesome: Marona is a cheerful, adorable, kind-hearted, idealistic Squishy Wizard healer loli. Carona is a Deadpan Snarker, cynical, Badass Adorable Combat Medic loli who is capable of wiping every foe around her, including the Nine Swords. In addition, once you get her phantom after beating the Another Marona storyline, she is statistically a better version of Marona. Not only that, you can summon Carona's phantom into battle and then user her to confine other phantoms. This is useful in many Dungeon runs where Marona starts off in a level where she cannot physically reach the area.
- Age-Inappropriate Dress/Stripperiffic
- All of the Other Reindeer: Her situation was much worse than Marona's
- Apologetic Attacker: In the (supposedly) Hopeless Boss Fight when you first meet her.
- Anti-Hero: Type III with some degree of Type IV.
- Badass Adorable
- Blue Oni: To Marona's red
- Break the Cutie/Corrupt the Cutie: due to her not having the miracles that Marona had. But more importantly, Ash's revival as a phantom.
- Combat Medic
- The Cynic
- Darker and Edgier: Of Marona
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Don't Call Me Marona: Justified, to avoid confusion between herself and the other Marona.
- Deadpan Loli
- Dub Name Change: Her name in Japan is Kurone[1]. Because Marrone became Marona in the U.S., Kurone had to go through a similar name change.
- The Eeyore
- Good Is Not Nice
- Grumpy Loli
- Heel Face Turn: Subverted, she was actually trying to save her world from the start, just was forced to be a slave of God Eryngi to prevent him from killing everyone in her world.
- Hates Everyone Equally
- Ineffectual Loner
- I See Dead People
- Kill Steal: She is a Chroma Oxide, but according to Carona, she only steal Chroma rewards from "bad people" like Walnut.
- Little Miss Badass
- The Power of Friendship Redeems
- Morality Chain: Not a straightforward example, but taking Ash away from her makes her expose the full raw hatred towards her and made her a very bitter girl.
- Necromancer
- Not So Different: She is often compared to Marona (well they are both Maronas, except she doesn't have Ash around, and faced discrimination from everyone in their worlds) and Walnut (both Chroma Oxides and IneffectualLoners).
- Not So Stoic: She has a cynical, sullen, and bitter personality and is often calm most of the time, but she did broke down when Eryngi threatened to summon Sulphur into her world and kill everyone there with the Magenta Core. While Eryngi tried to reason with her on saving the world where everyone hated her. She decided to turn against Eryngi because she finally realizes that she isn't alone.
- One-Man Army: Since she was raised in a world without Ash around, it is safe to assume something like that. Though an interesting subversion is on maps where you actually fight her, you also have to fight other groups of monsters along with her.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: The reason why she made Raphael, Sprout, Walnut, and the Raven Captains fight against their own bodies confined with Sulphur's minions.
- Save Marona, Save Your World
- Short Hair with Tail
- Technical Pacifist: Like Marona, she is "not a big fan into violence."
- Training From Hell: Forced Marona and the heroes into this.
- Willfully Weak: She was using her advanced Confine on Marona the whole time.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
- You Are Not Alone: The reason why Carona turned against God Eryngi at the end.
- ↑ Kuro is black in Japanese, further placing her as the "Dark" Marona.