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  • When Phil Diffy and Keely Teslow become a couple in "Back To The Future (Not The Movie)".

 Keely: We do kinda hang out a lot... together.

Phil: Yeah. I guess someone could... mistakenly... think we're one of... those things

Keely: Yes yes, they definetly could... mistakenly

Phil: Unless... do you want to be a couple?

Keely: No!

Phil: No...

Keely: Do you?

Phil: No...

Keely: Yes!

Phil: Yes?

Keely: I do!

Phil: Me too!

Keely: Yay, we're a couple!

Phil: Shh!

Keely: Phil, the whole school just voted us cutest couple. I think they know.


  • When Phil Diffy and Keely Teslow kissed in "Back To The Future (Not The Movie)".

 Keely: Phil! You're still here! Does that mean you're not going?

Phil: No, no I'm still going.

Keely: Oh.

Phil: I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye for real.

Keely: Yeah

Phil: [kisses her passionately and everyone cheers]



 Phil: [pulls Keely into a hug]

Keely: [whispers in Phil's ear, so that only he could hear] In the future will you wait for me?

Phil: But... Won't you be really, really old?

Keely: [Gives him a knowing look, and smirks]

Phil: But that shouldn't matter...See ya, Salt.

Keely: See ya, Pepper. [pulls him into one last kiss]


  • When Keely kisses Phil on the cheek in "Tia, Via, or Me...Uh"

 Keely: [Keely arrives and kisses Phil on the cheek, pleasantly surprising him.] That's for introducing me to Via.

Phil: I get a kiss every time I introduce you to a girl. [grabs random girl heading down the hallway] What's your name? Have you met Keely?


  • Keely telling Phil how wonderful he is in "Christmas Break".

 Keely: Phil Diffy, Your the most wonderful boy I have ever known.


  • Keely's reaction to Phil's birthday gift in "Happy Nirday".

 Keely: This is the sweetest, most wonderful, Incredibly beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me.


  • Phil telling Keely how much she means to him in "Time Release Capsule".

 Phil: I thought being remembered a hundred years from now wasn't important. But I'd give a hundred years of memories just to remember the most important, special, wonderful person I've ever met...Keely Teslow."


  • When Phil and Keely acted like they were married in "Dinner Time" and Keely calling him a Sweetie Pie.

 Phil: I wish you did remember though, for a while there it was kind of like we were married.

Keely: Was it fun?

Phil: Yeah... it was fun.

Keely: Cool, well I better get to class.

Phil: Yeah

Keely: See ya at lunch sweetie pie [stops then turns towards Phil] I-I mean Phil.
