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Crowning Music of Awesome: Streets of Philadelphia. In both the music video and the opening of the movie, Springsteen shows the city in all its aspects - both the bright, shiny downtown landmarks, and the poor areas - minority, homeless, urban blight and decay. And he ties it all together with this song. Streets of Philadelphia, indeed.
Fair for Its Day: Inverted, in that the film's main flaw is that Beckett is pretty much sanctified simply for having Aids.
Played straight in how it's gay But Not Too Gay. It was still a huge step forward for queers in the media.
Unfortunate Implications: The film introduces the notion of the "homosexual lifestyle" being fundamentally risky and based around casual sex, yet fails to do anything to disprove this idea — though it should be noted that the film's writer, Ron Nyswaner is himself gay, and based a lot of Andrew's background and habits on his own, so it's highly unlikely he set out to be offensive in this regard.