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  • Adaptation Displacement: Chances are people watch most of the movies based on his books without knowing the source material.
  • Anvilicious: usually averted except in the case of governmental exploitation and drug rehab centres, which tend to be a rather painful subject. Also he seems to have a few issues with abortions, as the short story concerning "Pre-persons" makes fairly clear.
  • Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory - In VALIS, Everyone is really Jesus In Purgatory.
    • In the sequel to VALIS, The Divine Intervention it goes one step further and actually has the physical manifestation of Jesus in purgatory. Of course, he has brain damage...
    • Odds are, in a PKD book, that you can interpret the point of view of every protagonist that isn't an outright Jerkass or Complete Monster to come to this conclusion. Take Ubick for example. Or Flow My tears, or Do androids dream or Galactic Pot Healer...
  • Hilarious in Hindsight - The protagonist of his 1960 novel Dr. Futurity is Dr. Jim Parsons.
  • Paranoia Fuel: And lots of it.
    • Lives on it. If you're off your meds and you read one of PKD's stories be ready to barricade yourself in an air-tight room with a shot-gun and a bottle of painkillers.
    • There's one where an unmanned drone assassinates a man, plants perfect, undeniable evidence of a scapegoat, and disguises itself as a working television as part of a corporate usurpation. Sleep tight.