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Examples of Pietà Plagiarism in Web Original works include:
- Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog has one heralding its finale in Act III: Billy carries the lifeless body of Penny to a stretcher as he sings "Everything You Ever" and makes his final transformation to Dr. Horrible.
- Invoked at the end of Brad Neely's China, IL.
- Linkara does this with Marz Gurl in Kickassia when she's knocked down by an explosion. Played for Laughs, since the entire time he's doing it, she's protesting that she's fine.
- Chaos Fighters: Chemical Warriors-RAKSA has this near the end, but subverted that the one being hugged was alive and woke up.
- Ruby holds a stunned Weiss in this manner at one point during the Food Fight in V2E1 of RWBY, complete with a Big No. As seen on the page image here, it was re-rendered without the Food Fight elements for the Volume 2 trailer to make the moment seem far more serious than it really was.
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