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  • Australians Love Pink: She is the most sucessful concert act in Australian history, having had 17 sold-out shows in Melbourne, a city of less than 4 million. It's no wonder that her most recent live album was recorded in Australia.
  • Broken Aesop: The video for "Stupid Girls" mangles the song's message by equating stupidity with fashion, make-up and anything pink while equating being smart with being physically strong and playing football. Playing football will not make you any smarter than putting on make-up. True the smart side of the table has a book, keyboard, microscope and dance shoes but still the moral is broken by having the little girl choose the football.
  • Broken Base: There are those who hate her first album but love her rockier sound, and then there are those who only like her first album and hate the rest of them.
  • Crazy Awesome
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The 2010 Grammy performance. She sang while suspended from the ceiling at least twenty feet above the crowd by little more than ordinary cloth, without a harness. Without messing up one note.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Many of her music videos have a comedic element, but "Stupid Girl" takes the cake.
    • In "Raise Your Glass", Pink is seen in bed with a young nun, and is quickly reciting prayers.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: "Love Song".
    • "Raise Your Glass." Doubles as Crowning Music of Awesome.
    • "F**ing Perfect" as well
      • To clarify: In the song, it's a woman singing to the audience that they're nothing less than perfect. In the video, she plays the part of a woman who's made it through opressive parents, anger issues, self-image issues, and cutting, but managed to turn her life around and become a successful artist, and is singing the song to her daughter. The look on her face pushes it into Tear Jerker territory.
  • Ear Worm: Quite a few.
  • Les Yay: "Oh My God" is P!nk and openly bisexual Peaches singing to each other about girl-on-girl bondage. It has lines like "Problem solved/it's dissolved/with the solvent known as spit/Lickity lick not so quick it's a/Slick ride/make my mink slide/'Cause we're all pink inside".
  • Squick: The video for "F**kin Perfect" has a scene with a girl in a blood-filled bathtub who has just cut herself multiple times.
    • That's understating it, she didn't just cut herself, she carved the word "perfect" into her arm, with what look like half inch deep cuts.
    • The milking in "Raise Your Glass". Of course, her being a vegetarian, that was probably the point.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: After a concert in Glasgow at least one newspaper the next day ran a story about outraged parents that had taken their young children to see her some how not knowing that her lyrics can be rather rude.