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Chapter One

  • Sealand asks Finland if he can get the new Call of Duty expansion pack while he's out.
  • One of the pirates asks England if a Los Angeles vs. Dallas Mavericks game is on and another pirate asks if it's taco night at Taco Aizen.
  • The Ricky Martin song "She Bangs" plays in the background as France tries to attack Nami.
  • One of England's imaginary friends is Peter Pan.
  • England sings the song "Shrooms" by The Lonely Island when he realizes that only he can see his imaginary friends.
  • Another Lonely Island song being sung - France and Spain sing "Punch You in the Jeans" as they punch Denmark in the jeans.
  • England tells Spain and France to walk to Burger King after accidentally leaving them behind at the Nordics' house.
  • America watches the original Repo! The Genetic Opera when he gets word that Sealand was kidnapped.

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

  • The Dropkick Murphys song "I'm Shipping Up to Boston" plays just before Poland makes his introduction to England and his pirate crew.
  • Poland sings "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga.
  • Heathcliffe assumes that Poland doesn't listen to Blink 182, therfore, making Poland an enemy of Heathcliffe.
  • Lithuania works at Barnes and Noble selling Nook e-readers.
  • America compares Lithuania's job at Barnes and Noble to a job at Wal-mart.
  • Club Team Dai Gurren has an area called "Resort Anthem".
  • America thinks Sealand got kidnapped by The Joker, Voldemort, or Sephiroth. Sephiroth makes a brief cameo right after America mentions him.
  • Seto and Mokuba Kaiba make a cameo right after Sephiroth's cameo.
  • America makes a refrence to Ansem Retort when he notes that "Resort Anthem" sounds like "Ansem Retort".

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

  • America and Lithuania discuss the matter with Sealand at hand in front of Starbucks.
  • The book Lithuania's book club reads is The Joy Luck Club.
  • America's line, "So, Toris, are you feeling like searching for a shota kidnapped pirates or reading another Asian romance novel?", refrences two other fanfics by Oxenstierna D. Yuki-Rin, Geishas of Winter and Scott Pilgrim vs. Snow Flower and The Secret Hall Pass, which are parodies of Asian romance novels set in Asia (mainly China) or major Asian-American neighbothoods in the U.S.
  • The search party goes to Hueco Mundo Casino Resort, which brings up some refrences to Bleach.
  • The Capricorn Pirates sing two songs by the Black Eyed Peas - "My Humps" and "Let's Get it Started".
  • Yuki-Rin and Heathcliffe make refrences to the upcoming Flogging Molly and Panic! At the Disco albums.
  • Poland sings "Love Game" by Lady Gaga.
  • Isabella remarks that watching the History Channel documentary miniseries America: The Story of Us is more exciting than battling Poland.
  • During the "Love Game" music number, Poland dances like Ranka Lee, leading Kida to tell Poland that he is not Ranka Lee.
  • Kamina quotes the exact anime he stars in by saying, "Kicking logic out and doing the impossible."

Chapter Seven

  • The Capricorn Pirates sing the Spice Girls song "Spice Up Your Life". During that montage, Kazuma holds up a sign that says, "I wasted my manliness for this? Now I will never be in Sengoku Basara."
  • America sings the Katy Perry songs "California Gurls" and "Teenage Dream".
  • Switzerland mentions that he is making food for Rufus Shinra's bake sale, which was mentioned a few chapters back.
  • The very heartbreaking One Piece opening "One Day" briefly plays in the background as Prussia tries to get Switzerland to help out with finding Sealand.
  • Prussia's part of the search party ends up at Burger King.
  • Prussia tries to convince the gang to go to Yoshiwara. He even refrences the two villians of both Yoshiwara arcs - Housen and Jiraia.

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

  • America jokes that he will sail on the Queen Anne's Revenge as punishment for hanging out with the enemy. The Queen Anne's Revenge was Blackbeard's ship. It is also a song by Flogging Molly, the authoress' favorite band.
  • America tells Sweden that he, Canada, and Prussia will be at the coffee shop fster than you can say "IKEA".
  • Yomi is a waitress at the coffee shop.
  • The Game is refrenced.
  • Thor plays Dance Dance Revolution.
  • After Romano closes the door on the Sket-dan, Switch pulls out a box of Girl Scout cookies (Samoas, to be exact).

Chapter Ten

  • The chapter title ("The Sweet, Far, Literal Escape Thing") refrences the third book of the Gemma Doyle trilogy, "The Sweet, Far Thing", and the Gwen Stefani song "The Sweet Escape", which is sung in the chapter.
  • Gilbert tells Roderich and Elizabeta that he is going to go pee due to boredom.
  • During the music montage to "The Sweet Escape", Gilbert almost gets runs over by Miss Yukari.
  • Kallen makes a cameo as a person working at a mattress store.
  • Gilbert evades Elizabeta by going into an anime con and trying to blend in with One Piece, Vocaloid, Bleach, Black Butler, Naruto, Death Note, Axis Powers Hetalia, and Pokémon cosplayers.
  • Konata makes a cameo and she is cosplaying as Haruhi Suzumiya.
  • Roderich, Elizabeta, and Gilbert watch Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.
  • Matthew thanks Scott Pilgrim for being recognized.
  • Firo lists some of the previous chapters' events, such as the fight at Club Team Dai-Gurren and the fact that Peter is a shota.
  • Izaya tells Shizuo that he gave Peter money to go to the candy shop, where he can lick some lollipops, which refrences the 50 Cent song "Candy Shop".
  • Orochimaru makes a brief cameo when Peter was with him before Shizuo and Izaya showed up.
  • Roderich, Elizabeta, and Gilbert dine at the Gekkostate Resort Casino.
  • During the "music war", Feliks sings "Love Game", Roderich sings "Some Fantastic", Elizabeta sings "We R Who We R", and Gilbert sings "I'm Awesome" by Spose.
  • The metal version of "One-Winged Angel" plays when Arthur makes his entrance.
  • Aizen has a speaking line.
  • Shinpachi sings The Computer Nerd 01's spoof of "Boom Boom Pow", which is entitled "Shamwow Now".
  • Date Masamune says his famous catchphrase.
  • Feliks sings "Dinosaur" to Arthur before Arthur puts a cholorform-soaked rag to Feliks' mouth.

Chapter Eleven

  • The chapter title ("At the Genetic Pirate Opera Tonight!") is a refrence to the song "At the Opera Tonight" from Repo! The Genetic Opera. Alfred even sings part of the song during the chapter.
  • Arthur wanted to bring Silvers Rayleigh to the Genetic Pirate Opera.
  • Arthur sings the Dropkick Murphys song "The State of Massachusetts".