Randy Newman[]
- Toy Story is the only Disney-style musical Pixar film. And all the songs are wonderful.
- "You've got a Friend In Me",
- Strange Things" and
- "I will Go sailing no more".
- Also from Toy Story 2, "When She Loved Me". An utterly heartwrenching song by Jessie that was said to have made both Tim Allen and Tom Hanks tear up during the premier.
- The Oscar-winning song We Belong Together.
- Toy Story 3's Spanish version of "You've Got a Friend In Me" (technically, "Hay un Amigo en Mi") completely makes the movie.
- No mention of "Cowboy!", the song heard in the intro of TS 3? For shame!
- "Infinity and Beyond", the song that plays during the final flying sequence (or rather, the "falling... with style" sequence) is absolutely beautiful.
- The Cleaner from Toy Story 2.
- The Claw from Toy Story 3, one of Pixar's tensest, most nightmarish, most heartwrenching scenes ever has the music to match.
- So Long. Just listening to it can get your eyes misty.
- Strange Things... Tomorrowland Arrangement.
- Woody's Roundup from Toy Story 2.
- The main theme of Monsters, Inc. makes me want to get up and dance every time I hear it.
- The Scare Floor.
- It's a jazzy, fast-paced mix of the end song, "If I Didn't Have You". Newman won an Academy Award for that song.
- From Cars we have the mood-altering "Our Town".
- A Bugs Life theme.
Thomas Newman[]
- Define Dancing and
- Down to Earth (the credits song).
- First Date.
- "Fixing Wall-E" While not Crowning Music of Awesome per se, the beginning gets this troper every time.
- The Axiom is also a fantastic score. The parts that play when WALL-E and the spaceship are flying past the lunar rover and flag on the Moon, and then through the rings of Saturn, are almost impossibly beautiful.
- Finding Nemo? The Turtle Lope is quite adventerous and epic.
- main theme but most especially the ones that play during two very emotionally gut-wrenching scenes-
- "Nemo Egg/Main Titles", and "Fronds Like These".
- It's surprisingly dark and scary for a Pixar film, but Swim Down is amazing. Starts off dark and hopeless but erupts into triumph at the end. It helps that this and 'Fronds like These' follows it on the soundtrack too.
- First Day.
- "Field Trip!!"
Michael Giacchino[]
- The soundtrack for Up, by Michael Giacchino, invites you to pick a moment.
- The four-minute-plus "Married Life" underscores a dialogue-free montage that follows Ellie and Carl from the altar to Carl's arrival home after Ellie's memorial service — whimsical, lyrical, and heartbreaking.
- "Carl Goes Up". "So long, boys! I'll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls!"
- "Paradise Found", in which the clouds part to reveal Paradise Falls and the rest of the plateau in all their glory.
- "Stuff We Did — in which Ellie gets Carl to level up from beyond the grave.
- "The Small Mailman Returns". Russell ceases to be The Load.
- ...and basically everything from that point to the end of the credits.
- And you can't forget about Escape from Muntz Mountain or Memories can Weigh you Down or that storm song. And everybody's theme at one point sounds epically awesome. Yes, even Russell's, which doesn't sound like much at first in 52 Chachki Pickup.
- Really, it's no wonder this won the Oscar for Best Original Score.
- My Spirit of Adventure from the credits basically combines every 1930s style possible.
- The soundtrack for The Incredibles is the best James Bond score never written. And then Michael Giacchino went and wrote it. Highlights include:
- Missile Lock,
- Life's Incredible Again,
- Kronos Unveiled,
- Lithe or Death,
- The Incredits, and oh for God's sake, just listen to the **whole damn soundtrack already.
- No love for the Anvil Chorus in the "every door, button and explosion in the movie" DVD Easter Egg? It fits perfectly, in both time and mood.
- Ratatouille:
- Le Festin.
- Cars 2 gives us the epic "Collision of Worlds".
Other Artists[]
- From Cars:
- "Real Gone" by Sheryl Crow.
- "Life Is A Highway" sung by Rascal Flatts.
- Brad Paisley:
- Route 66:
- From Cars 2:
- "You Might Think" as performed by Weezer (originally recorded by none other than The Cars).
- From WALL-E:
- La vie en Rose by Louis Armstrong.
- Put on Your Sunday Clothes.
- From Finding Nemo: