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Pixiv Logo

Pixiv is a Japanese online community for artists, not unlike the Western world's Deviant ART. Launched in September 2007. Pixiv aims to provide a place for artists to exhibit their illustrations and get feedback via a rating system and user comments. Works are organized in an extensive tag structure which forms the backbone of the website. Registration required to view the majority of contents.

In case that doesn't sound like anything special to you, consider that the majority of Anime and Manga in the 'boorus and the 'chans are taken from Pixiv, most of the time without permission from the artists.

If you're using Firefox with the Greasemonkey extension, the Pixiv Translation Plus script may be helpful.

Compare Nico Nico Douga (Japanese YouTube).

Oh and by the way, if you find relevant pictures, consider visiting the Image Links Wiki.

All links below should be assumed NSFW, just to be safe.

Random works tags, with characters where available:[]

Tags dedicated to particular tropes:[]
