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  • Fanon Discontinuity: Both the game's middling reception and how irreconcilable it is with all three timelines have led to fans generally ignoring it.
  • Hype Backlash: Well with three PlayStation 2 giants in one game it was unavoidable, but fan expectations were really far too high.
  • So Okay It's Average: It's definitely not what players were expecting out of a trio of Platform Game stars, and reviews so far have held this opinion.
    • Considering the game has involved none of the original developers, and it's mostly meant to justify the need of the Playstation Move (it's even right there in the title), this is kind of a given.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Three of Sony's most successful franchises cross over and it doesn't go further than minigames based on a very flimsy plot. It doesn't even need to happen to these specific characters to work.

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