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Two characters, typically a guy and a girl, end up in a heap on the floor, either the result of a scuffle, one of them pushing the other one down to protect them, or just a chance landing due to one or the both of them becoming temporarily airborne. They have a few moments to trade words, maybe seeming to flirt a little.
Then the person on the bottom points out that the other is in fact sitting on them. Please Get Off Me? For bonus points, the person on bottom will start off by noting how heavy the person on top is, or that they landed on them hard enough to injure them.
Often can result in one of the characters being an Accidental Pervert. Also the logical conclusion of a Glomp or Living Crashpad.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Rei says this word for word in her usual monotone when Shinji lands on her chest as she comes out of the shower. Her total non-reaction is one of the first signs that she isn't normal.
- El Dorado: Mississippi sneaks up on and tackles a mysterious gunman hiding out across the street from The Sheriff's office, discovering it to be Joey MacDonald, who, true to form, trades a few words before asking him to get off. He replies that he's actually pretty comfortable before getting smacked for his trouble.
- Rush Hour: Lee is barely hanging off a rafter. When he slips off, Carter catches him with a large flag. Lee slides down the flag and Carter realizes that he's going to land on top of him and gives a "Oh Shit" before he does. Lee(on top) thanks Carter for saving his life and gives him kisses until Carter pushes Lee off him and tells him this.
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Mikaela finds herself on top after she and Leo end up in a pile after being teleported to a point roughly 20 or 30 feet over Egypt. Leo has the presence of mind to note that it's a dream come true to find such a beautiful woman land in his lap... except that she accidentally performed a gravity-assisted Groin Attack during her landing.
Live Action Television[]
- Occurs frequently between Ziva and Tony on NCIS. Justified when McGee and Ziva are examining the underside of the car, and McGee gets stuck on top of her. It requires a good bit of wriggling to free themselves, but aside from a single innuendo ("I hope that's a wrench digging into my leg, McGee," or something like it), they don't flirt. Another notable example includes the memorable exchange between Ziva and Tony "I can tell you're happy about this." "Don't get too excited, that's my knee."
Ziva: [Kicking him. Hard.] "That was not your knee!" |
Web Comics[]
- El Goonish Shive: "I appreciate your affection, but you're crushing me. Get off please???"
- Happened to Daniel T'Fiona during his first adventure.
Dan: If it isn't too bold of me, perhaps I can suggest you three make your plans include you three getting off my spine? |
Western Animation[]
- In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko ends up on top of Katara when knocking her out of the way of some falling debris in the Western Air Temple in yet another example of Ship Tease. She chews him out.